50. 택연의 토익 듣기평가 재질 영어 인터뷰
최근 인기리에 방영중인 드라마 빈센조. 2PM 옥택연 씨는 극중에서 스탠포드 출신 변호사 '장준우' 역을 맡았는데요. 캐릭터의 배경 때문인지 영어 대사도 꽤 많은 편입니다. 일부 네티즌들은 택연 씨의 영어를 보고 '오글거린다'며 댓글을 달았는데요. 과연 오글거릴까요? 택연 씨의 영어 인터뷰, 지금 바로 감상해 보시죠!
[Part 1]
Well, from a long time ago, from a galaxy far, far away, I used to think that I would get married when I was 27. Because my dad got married when he was 27. Yeah, I got married right now. That’s like a year earlier. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
[Part 2]
This is Taecyeon. You can call me Taec, for short. I’m 27 years old. If you still have some doubts or you wanna know who I am, or what kind of person I am, you can search me up on Google. Google me. You can find anything about me, yeah.
[Part 3]
A lot of films make me cry, but.. When I was a little kid, I used to watch a weekend movie with my parents. And they would show ‘Life is wonderful.’ And that got me crying. A lot.
[Part 4]
Can you please say hi to American fans? Hi, everybody. This is Taec. I wonder if you guys are watching or not. It’s probably late or early in America. Hey, how you doin’.
Taec, your English fans need your translation. Okay, everybody. What kind of translation? Alright, so, um.. Yeah, this is me going back home after my schedule. This is a.. highway. Highway road, um.. called.. Olympic Big Road.. Nah, that sounds so wrong. Okay, Olympic Highway. Also known as 88, cause.. You know, Korean Olympic, Seoul Olympic was held in 1988. So this highway is called 88. I thought the traffic would be.. terrible here, but.. It’s not. So I don’t know why I’m doing this, but I’m doing this.
[Part 5]
Hey, I’m Taec.
Thank you for your message and for your video. You look very lovely and.. What can we do for you?
Uh.. Khun’s gonna sing you a song. Nickhun, are you ready for your.. a little bit of a..
I’m not ready, Taec. I didn’t prepare anything.
Just sing me that little bit of a.. ‘How deep is your love’
I’m surprised how Vivian knows the song.
This song is very old, actually.
Very old. It’s like 15..
Nah, more than that.
Almost 20 years old I think.
I don’t even know the lyrics.
[Part 6]
When we went to Texas, when we went to Huston, this Mexican food place.. We went there and.. Usually, you would have to order some nachos, in order to get some nachos, but.. Over there, when you sat down, automatically they would give it to you for free. And I was like, Yeah, free nachos. That’s about it.
[Part 7]
I think that’s like the seventh.. tour that we’re doing. And it’s actually our first time being in the US, but.. We had all these experiences from all the other tours. So, (we know) how to make it fun, how to interact with the fans, and.. So I think.. we’re kind of prepared for how we’re gonna do it in here.
And we actually had to think of some crazy ideas to fulfill that goal of that ‘Go Crazy Tour.’ So I think they’ll be shocked that we actually do all these crazy stuff on stage.
What do you do, Taec?
I don’t know.
What crazy things do you do on stage?
I do not know.
Scream? Maybe.
Last year we came up with this album called ‘Grown.’ And we had this a.. grand audition to it. And each one of us wrote ourselves a song. So I think that album was probably the stepping stone of us trying to participate more and create our own music.
In our cases, I guess, Jun K has been.. He’s been writing music since we’ve been trainees. I guess it kind of sparks up like a.. good rivalry, against between the members, I guess. So, he starts writing music, and he comes up with something good. And we’re just like, ‘Oh, you know what. We should start it, too.’ It’s kind of like that, how I started it.
I guess it’s important to participate in our music, cause.. To know more about music and.. how to express ourselves through music is very important, I think. That’s why we’re very into writing music and learn more about it, creating some new perspectives on how idols or “Korean Idols” should be.
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