셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

31. 있지(ITZY) 리아 류진 영어 인터뷰 모음

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 12. 14. 22:46



You guys excited? Yes!

[Part 1]


Something you wouldn’t know about me is that I’m not really friendly with vegetables.



Yes. Especially green ones.



I’m not very friendly with green vegetables. But it has been worse when I was younger. But now I can actually eat salads. I became a little more closer with green vegetables. But not that close. The worst green vegetable would be.. cucumbers. It tastes like electricity. There’s this weird feeling that I get. It tastes like microwave. Wavy.. Electricity, wavy.. Something like that.



Mine is, I’m good at aegyo. Aegyo is like a Korean word that means the cute thing. Cute gestures, expressions. In Korean, it’s aegyo. When I have to make a favor to someone, like, when she’s outside and I’m inside, I wanna get the snacks. And I call her and.. Yeji Unnie, like this. I think I like that moment I’m good at aegyo.

[Part 2]


For me I don’t have like a certain artist. I have so many artists that I love. But these days I’m back into listening to songs from Jess Glynne. I used to listen to it around last year, but I’ve been telling them too, our fans Midzys, around these days. Because the lyrics and the words are so nice. Very warm and fulfilled. And then it kind of reminds me again. So I’m kind of into it again. 



It was the trainee showcase that I first did live. I was so nervous that I couldn’t do as good as practice. I was like 15 years old. So I was really young. So I was so upset that after the show, I really cried. In the toilet.



For me I was definitely nervous. And I remember on my first day when I went there right after school. It was like a dance lesson with everybody. And I knew no one. That was my first lesson like right away. And it was like a major total disaster for me. I couldn’t do anything. And I start, um.. I started crying, and I remember other trainers and my girls giving me tissues and helping me out. It’s funny to think of it now, and it was really nice of other trainees. And on my way back home on the bus, I was like really worried how I should continue on.

[Part 3]


So I wanna take a second to talk about your name ITZY.






What does it stand for and how did it come about?



So our name ITZY actually is Korean. So in Korean, ITZY means like, “to have.” So our group message is that.. You know how we said “all in us” at the beginning to you guys. So our group message basically is that we have everything you guys want in us. So it means like, to have. So it’s like that Korean word ITZY. But it’s spelled “ITZY” in English. I also think the spelling itself is really catchy and cool.



You guys have so many fans, and you guys are such great performers and singers.



Thank you.



You’re welcome. How do you prep for those really powerful performances?



We really practice for this. We can show it, show our really good performance for our fans. First of all, we really think about the details of the choreographies. So I think we practice like that.



Yeah, long hours.



And one of the ways is.. We actually film it a lot, like all the time. Every time we practice, we try filming it. And then, that way we can see the details like Ryujin said. And we can see the progress, so..



That’s actually a really good idea. I haven’t really thought about that.


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