셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

29. 소녀시대 티파니 미국 솔로 진출 영어 인터뷰

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 12. 14. 22:31


[Part 1]


A member of K-pop’s massively popular girls group Girls’ Generation embarking now on a brave solo career. Tiffany Young, yay. So, from Diamond Bar, we go to Korea, and what happens when we go there?



I moved at 15 years old. And I went through a 2-and-a-half-year training process before I started with Girls’ Generation. And from 17 til now, I was part of Girls’ Generation. Still part. And now back home, I’m trying to take on America.



So are people throwing their undershirts on stage? Or what’s going on?



I haven’t had undershirts, but I’ve had lots of like glitter, dolls, unicorns, and rainbows, literally like dolls of unicorns and rainbows. And I think my favorite part is when my fans recreate the looks.



Well, that’s interesting.



From the makeup to hair, the feather, the gloves, everything. I’m just, I hope I’m appropriate for this news desk today.



I love the look. But how popular in Korea were you guys? Could you compare it to something here that we would get the comparison?



I’m proud to say Girls’ Generation is in the top grossing girl band tours of all time alongside The Spice Girls



Okay, there you go.



That was a very proud moment.



[Part 2]


What was the craziest rule that was imposed on you?



I couldn’t swear.






We never swore, and it slowly got to like.. My bandmates would start saying things and casually flip them off, and they’d be like.. ‘Oh, wait. Sorry.’



Okay, no cursing. What else?



Always being ready. Like, Photo-ready. There’s a lot of press and paparazzi that started happening when we started promoting. I remember having like one terrible picture, and I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, this means we always have to be ready.’ And like, we have to get up at like 4 in the morning, then go to the airport..



Hair, makeup, all?



Yeah, always.



Did they have somebody do it for you?



Yes, of course. I mean, I’ve tried doing it on my own, but I’m already half asleep, which would make me look worse. Leave it to the professionals.



Did they affect your relationships? They keep you from having relationships?



Yeah, when we were younger. We weren’t allowed to date til like.. In Korea, it’s like, legal age is twenty, twenty-one. And they’re just like, you guys are not allowed to date. The first year, in a half, was a year we didn’t have cellphones. So I went to pay phones to make a call. So you could call your parents back at home. Yeah, and I had calling cards ‘Cause back then, that’s.. Yeah, international calls.. I’d step out of my apartment and go to the phone booth. Yeah, we didn’t have phones at all. So we were just really focused.



Was it fun?



Going on stage and performing, yeah. But, if I think about it now, I’m pretty sure I was miserable.



Did you fight back?






Did you ever fight back?



Hmm.. no. I just thought that that’s what it was. And like, this is what it required. And I think when you’re that young, and you’re so set and focused on.. I remember I was like, ‘I wanna make a difference.’ ‘I wanted to get Artist of the Year, Best New Artist.’ Like, I was focused when I got there. And I was just like, if that’s what it takes, yes. Take my life away.



It’s crazy the whole idea is like perfect, perfect, perfect. Realistically, it’s the complete opposite.



Yeah, that’s why perfectionism is something that I keep coming back to. It’s a real issue, and I guess it’s deeply rooted.



Last question. What advice do  you give to your future idols?



Future Korean artists. Korean pop artists.. Learn the rules, so you can make new rules. Don’t break any. Just learn and make new rules. Always turn to a friend, a colleague, or a senior, somebody that’s always gonna be able to talk and just hear your opinion out. Continue to find a voice while doing it. Still be passionate and have dreams while you’re doing things. Like, it’s never too late.



Cool, Tiffany Young. I appreciate it.



Thank you. This was some, a real real interview.


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