셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

45. 그룹 있지(ITZY)가 하루 동안 먹는 것들

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2021. 3. 8. 22:06

그룹 있지(ITZY).. 뭘 먹고 살길래 그렇게 날씬한 걸까? 있지가 하루에 먹는 것들.



I’ll shortly talk about what I eat in a day.


I usually wake up in(at) 10am or 11am. When I wake up I really prefer to drink very cold water with ice.


I started taking supplements recently. As I drink a lot of water with supplements, I naturally get full easily in the morning.


I usually have a simple brunch around 12 to 1, which is actually lunch time. Because I normally wake up really late when I don’t have any schedules.


I like to have something fresh when I wake up. And I love fruits, so I normally take some fruits or smoothies out on my way to practice.


I eat brunch. It’s fried vegetables with cabbage, and mushroom, and onion, green onion.. But the very important thing is oyster sauce.


When I eat I have at least three sauces. Three sauces: mayonnaise, mustard, and bean sauce. It’s always delicious and sometimes I have meat.


As I skip breakfast, I feel hungry in the early afternoon. Sometimes I want to eat meat, and sometimes I want to eat ice cream. But I try not to eat spicy and too salty food.


I like to eat beef pasta or hamburgers.. Or pizza. I love pizza.


For snack time, I like to eat.. watermelon. I sometimes eat watermelon instead of water in the morning. I like to eat little candies or jellies.


The French fries are the must-eat item for me. I eat cherry tomatoes a lot. It’s really nice when you have them with honey. Or balsamic sauce. So I really like vinegar and balsamic, and salt and vinegar chips.


There’s something I always have as a daily routine. I always order glazed donuts. I would recommend one per day, but.. I usually have.. more than one. I like to have them as snacks during anytime of the day whenever I just want to eat something sweet.


For dinner, I usually eat salad and chicken breast ..with no sauce. And I try not to eat after 8pm. I like to eat salad at dinner. But meat should be there too.


I usually have chicken breast or chicken legs. I usually eat salad or food that I want that day.


I love rice. One of my favorite dishes would be kimchi fried rice. And I put mozzarella cheese on top, and then put it in the microwave for a few seconds. And it’s really nice.


And that’s pretty much it. I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video.


This is how I eat in a day.


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