셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

43. 케이트 블란쳇 웃긴 인터뷰 모음

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2021. 2. 25. 18:13

토르의 헬라, 반지의 제왕 갈라드리엘 등 카리스마 있는 역할로 한국인들에게 친숙한 호주 출신 배우 '케이트 블란쳇'! 하지만 인터뷰에서는 겁나 털털한 모습을 맘껏 보여준 그녀의 인터뷰ㅋㅋㅋ 지금 바로 감상하시죠!


- You know, you have such a gaze, a signature.


- The crew is cracking up here.


- I have a lot, a whole lot of gays?


- The signature, Disney villain gaze. How do you do that Disney villain gaze? Teach us.


- Oh, I’m sorry, I thought Disney villain gays, as in the gay Disney villains. Sorry, this is an accent dysfunction. Oh, you mean the ‘gaze’, not the ‘gays.’


- You’ve kissed a lot of people. And we’re gonna show you lips. And we’re gonna see how..


- Oh, it’s not asses. We’re looking at lips.


- Yes. W, w, would you rather.. Which do you identify with more?


- Okay, let’s do the lips.


- Alright, let’s take a look. Cause we don’t have a lot of photos of asses around here.


- I don’t know. You can get, you can get some.


- We just have them on file. Well, I will, after this. Clearly. You wanna see my PA’s asses.


- Can I put my gum here?


- I wouldn’t know, sure. You can. 


- I might need it later.


- You’re allowed to. You can keep it there.


- A little pile, a neat little pile. Good. Little penis. You’ve got a little phallic thing going on. Here we go.


- Stop doing that.


- The phallus seems an appropriate symbol in this country right now.


- We can make that an emoji.


- The tiny little balls.


- Hey, stop it, stop it.


- Hi, Jimmy.


- How are you.


- I’m good.


- Everything well?


- You’re frightened by that.


- No, I’m just.. yes, a little frightened.



- I did a little research, and I think there are only 19 women with more than one Oscar.


- Is that right? I guess I’m one of them now. We have, um, we have meetings. We get together, and.. We bring out two or three.


- Lunches with the Oscars.


- Dress them up.




- What about your children and the Oscars? Do they get to play with the Oscars?


- Every day. Mommy sits them down, and I get my two Oscars out, and I let them stroke them for 15 minutes before they go to school.




- You, at one point, have a very decent belch I would say.


- Oh, my god. That’s a real.. How’d you do that?


- You can do that.


- I can’t do that.


- I’m the only one who can do that?


- Oh, my god. Stop doing that. Cate.


- I thought that’s what everyone can do.


- No one does that. That’s amazing.


- That’s what they teach you at acting schools in Australia.


- You’re the coolest mom ever. Your kids must love you for that.


- Okay, let’s..




- Do you really wanna be a princess?


- I am a princess, sweetheart. And don’t you forget it.


- Me too.


- Yeah, you’re a real princess. Your daddy’s princess.




- Cate Blanchett, what is your moral compass? Where does kindness and humanity sit in a brutal world? Cause those are important questions to ask right now.


- In my vagina.


- Okay, okay, thank you, thank you very much.


- That takes care of my next two questions.





- No, I have. I can’t remember.. I can’t remember. I feel I think I’ve.. I can’t remember.. Early onset dementia.


- Wow, really?


- Do I know you?



- How do you do Comic-con? What does it look like when you’re walking through these halls?


- It looks ugly. I am a ball of sweat right now. 



- But I want to ask you about the fact that you’re the first Australian actor/actress ever to win.


- And don’t you f**ing forget it.




- Your son dressed as a pumpkin for Halloween?


- No, I dressed him as a pumpkin.


- Oh, I see, okay.


- And because I can’t sew. They have this, there is a Montessori School in Glendale when we were here. They did a pageant parade. And all the parents, cause, of course, that go to Montessori school, every mother can sew except me. So I got the pillowcase and I dressed him, I told him he’s a ghost. But he actually looks like he was in the Ku Klux Klan. It’s because I couldn’t sew it. I thought.. it’s no, not that. It’s a ghost.




- Oh, thank you. Thank you. This is so nice.


- It goes with your stripe on your…


- It does.


- Fantastic. See! It looks like the… look at the yellow there, Like that!



- Did you see the dress? Did you see the colorful dress with.. uh.. that looks like my tie …which I’m now wearing a horrible tie for no reason.


- That’s a tie?


- Well, it looks more like lingerie.


- Did your mother make that? Oh, it does. Do you have matching underwear on?



- I wanna know more about you. I wanna get to know you.


- What would you like to know?


- Alright. Are you from Australia, no, you’re from Texas?


- My dad was from.. Yes, you’ve done your research. Yes, my dad was from Texas. So, I grew up in.. Oh, hi. Yi ha y’all y’all..


- Yeah, hi y’all..


- We always said if we had a girl we’d call her ‘y’all y’all Blanchett’


- Yeah, y’all y’all


- You know y’all y’all 


- Well, how many kids do you have?


- Do I have.. uh.. 


- Take your time. Take your time.


- uh… four.


- So you have four children.


- I do. A little girl. But she’s not called y’all y’all.



- Because, ??? So much fun. They’re so much fun! It’s the best! Have you ever played it? In the snow before?





- Well, you smell fantastic.


- Oh, thank you.


- And you, you look… Me too?


- So do you.


- I put raw onions under there.



- Here we go, Cate. Three things you’d find in your nightstand.


- Toothpaste, tampons, and condoms.


- In your nightstand?


- That’s a nightstand.


- Cate… Three things you can lick.


- A lollipop…..


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