셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

46. 미국 뉴스에서 영어 인터뷰한 미나리 윤여정

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2021. 3. 20. 23:57

화제의 영화 '미나리'가 오스카 시상식에서 6개 부문의 후보로 올랐습니다. 영화의 주역이었던 배우 윤여정 씨가 미국 아침 방송 '굿모닝 아메리카'에 나와서 한 영어 인터뷰가 화제인데요. 윤여정 씨의 화려한 영어 실력, 확인해보시죠.

*해당 스크립트로 영어 공부를 하시는 분들은 앵커들의 말을 집중적으로 보시길 권해드립니다.


Host 2:

A new movie about love, family, and chasing the American dream is getting a lot of buzz right now. Grandma, a.k.a Yeo Jung Yoon, joins us now.


You’ve been nominated for Best Supporting Actress by the Screen Actors Guild Awards, by the Independent Spirit Awards and the Critics’ Choice Awards. How does it feel to get such great praise for your role and what you did and the work you put in?



Oh, honestly, it’s not real to me, because.. I’m not American. I’m Korean actor. And getting warm warming [welcoming] about my movie is just.. not realistic to me, actually. But, well.. Thank you for having me, anyway.


Host 1:

Everybody’s talking about you being a.. kind of a tough love grandma. In real life, are you that kind of tough love?



Um.. Yes, I am grandmother, but.. It’s different with that character, me myself.


Host 2:

I love what some people are calling you. They’re referring to you as the Meryl Streep of South Korea. So, was playing this role different from the Korean roles you typically play? How did this one compare?



No. First of all, you tell me I’m Korean Meryl Streep. I don’t think Meryl Streep would like that. And I, I know it’s flattered [flattering], but.. Compared with playing grandma role in Korea.. Well, I think it’s almost the same. Because I am the Korean grandmother in the movie, so.. I didn’t think that was a different role.


Host 1:

We’re going to see you down the road. I’m sure we’re gonna hear your name probably called another time or two. I know you’re not thinking about that. But congratulations on everything with the movie.



Thank you so much. I appreciate it.


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