셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

10. 호주 출신 블랙핑크 로제의 영어 인터뷰

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 11. 6. 02:55

뉴질랜드에서 태어나 호주로 이사를 갔던 로제는 가수가 되기 위해 만 15살이 되던 해 한국에 왔다고 해요. 영어 발음에서도 호주 억양이 묻어나는 걸 들을 수 있어요. 로제의 사랑스러운 영어 발음 함께 들어보아요!




Hi, we’re BLACKPINK, and we’re gonna find out how well we know our bandmates.

What’s up, everyone. We’re BLACKPINK. And we just had an interview on the Zach Sang Show.



[Part 1]

Q. If you could have any musical ability, what would it be?

There are so many. Can’t choose one. I wish I could be able to listen to a song and be able to find the chords for it and just play in on the spot. 


Q. What are your studio “must haves”?

In the studio, I think I need a cardigan. Definitely some water. And my phone. 


Q. Music that has inspired you most?

That is so hard. I would have to say, “Malibu Nights” by LANY. 


Q. How did your collaboration with Dua Lipa come about?

A few of my members went to her concert. I guess things went along pretty well. And I listened to the song, and I’m like “Yes! Why not, like.. seriously?”



[Part 2]

Q. What do you like about his work?

He has his own style, and I did hear he likes to stick to it. And that’s what I really respect about him. He’s very sure about what he wants and what kind of image he wants to portray.


He’s very soft and kind and calm. So he kind of keeps me calm, ‘cause I get nervous sometimes, and he’s always like, “You know, you’re doing fine.” He’s like the sweetest guy. I love him. He’s very classic. He doesn’t try to bend any other way. I just think he’s very creative in that sense. He tries to bring out the naturalness of every color and race of every person. I just like everything about him. He’s great.



*Stick to ~

~을 고수하다


*I did hear he likes to stick to it.

(그의 클래식한 스타일을) 고수하는 것을 좋아한다고 들었어요.


한 가지를 계속해서 지속하고, 고수하는 것을 의미합니다.



A: Hey, I think we need to change our plan.

저기 우리 계획 바꿔야 할 것 같아.

B: What? No way. I’m just gonna stick to it.

뭐? 안 돼. 난 그냥 그대로 할 거야.


A: Mom, can I have fried chicken for dinner?

엄마, 나 저녁에 치킨 먹어도 돼요?

B: No. You should stick to your healthy diet.

안 돼. 건강한 식단 계속 지켜야지.



[Part 3]


What kind of high is it when you’re on stage and you look out, and all you see are people?



I think it’s like, you know how people say, after you go on stage, where you feel like you really interacted with the crowd, it lasts for a long time, and it’s really addictive. I totally experienced that this time. So, after the show, we drove back to LA, and we were at our hotel room, and I remember, I just had to keep replaying it over in my head again and again. And it was like, that was like the best feeling I have ever felt in my 22 years of existence. It’s really really surreal. Like, it’s so.. like.. life changing. I loved the whole experience. It’s like so beautiful, and everybody was just amazing. Everyone in the crowd.



*interact with ~

~와 교감하다, 상호작용하다


*..where you feel like you really interacted with the crowd.

관객과 진정으로 교감 했다고 느낄 


사람이 서로와 소통하고, 교감하고, 시간을 함께 보내는 것, 혹은 어떠한 사물이 서로 상호작용을 하는 것을 의미합니다.



Teachers need to learn how to interact with their students.

선생님들은 그들의 학생들과 소통하는 법을 배워야 한다.


The actors tried to interact with the audience.

 배우들은 관객과 소통하기 위해 노력했다.





What is it like when you’re up on stage? Are you focused on what’s coming out of your mouth? Are you focused on dance moves? How do you juggle all of it?



Like, usually, when you’re kind of nervous, or when you’re not totally connected to the crowd, I feel like you have a lot going through your head. Like, “Am I singing right? Are these people feeling it? What do I have to do more, like, to interact with them more?” Like, you get a lot of thoughts. But honestly, me personally, at Coachella, I just really enjoyed myself.



Is that because everything was kind of synced up? Everything was in line, the crowd was with you, the energy was right?



Definitely, we didn’t expect to have such a big crowd. And they were really singing their lungs, like, they were singing with us.

That, the whole thing was just like, I don’t know.



But that was not the best part of it. It was that we did not expect it, and I think best things come when it’s unexpected. Even in the morning of the show, I literally, I was in bed, and I kind of, to be honest, was thinking, “Okay, maybe, tonight, there might not be a full crowd, but still I’m gonna have to do my best today.”..is what I thought, until we walked out on stage. We didn’t even have time to talk about it, but we were like..  And then the music came on, and I’m like.. “Oh, my gosh!”


And it took me a whole hour to really figure out that everybody that was standing there was actually looking at us. They weren’t there for a different show. They weren’t faced a different way. They were faced towards us. And it was crazy, crazy, crazy.



*figure out

~을 알아채다, 이해하다, 생각해내다


*It took me a whole hour to figure out that everybody was looking at us.

모두가 저희를 보고 있다는 사실을 알아채는  한시간이 꼬박 걸렸어요.


어떤 사실을 이해하고 깨닫거나, 수치를 계산하거나, 무언가를 생각해내는 것을 의미합니다.



A: Amy, can you help me? I can’t figure out how to do this.

에이미,   도와줄래?  이거 어떻게 하는지 모르겠어.

B: Gosh, I told you many times.

세상에, 여러번 말해줬잖아.


A: Hey, what are you doing?

뭐하고 있어?

B: Figuring out what to do for summer vacation.

여름방학   할지 생각 





By the way, it is crazy that you left New Zealand to go to Korea to join, because.. did you audition?






I’m so sorry.



No, it’s okay, ‘cause I was born in New Zealand, and I lived in Australia, and I left.



Did you audition for YG in Australia?



Yes, literally like, just an open audition.



Why’d you do it?



Cause my dad told me to. I think he was sick of me screaming at the top of my lungs on my piano, every night, like 12AM. I think he was sick of me, so he just wanted to get rid of me, and send me to South Korea to fulfill my dream.




*at the top of one’s lungs

목청껏,  소리로


*I think he was sick of me screaming at the top of my lungs.

제가 목청껏 소리지르는 거에 진절머리 나셨던  같아요.


목청이 터질듯이 크게 소리를 지르거나 노래를 부를  사용할  있는 표현입니다. 여러분들이 많이 알고 계시는 노래,  마리의 2002에도 나오는 가사에요: “Singing at the top of both our lungs (목청껏 노래를 부르자)”



He screamed at the top of his lungs.

그는 목이 터지도록 소리를 질렀다.


Jason was singing at the top of his lungs.

제이슨은 아주  소리로 노래를 불렀다.






“Go somewhere else!”



Yes, yes. It’s so funny. Once I grew up, they told me and they were like, “Rosie, to be honest, it was really hard for us to go to bed when you were singing at the top of your lungs.” I think I would sing Beyonce’s Listen, but I couldn’t make the notes ‘cause I was a terrible singer. I used to do that, and I think my dad was like, “Okay, I think she wants to do music,” and he asked me, “Do you want to take an audition?”  And I was like, I don’t even know if I was qualified. “Is that even a question? Can I? Am I allowed to?” It was funny, because I was like.. “Um, yeah, okay.” And my parents had a whole fight about it. My mom was worried. But in the end, they decided to be really really supportive of it, and I flew all the way from Melbourne to Sydney to take the audition. And I got it.



*in the end



*But in the end, they decided to be really supportive of it.

하지만 결국에는 응원해주시기로 결정하셨어요.


어떤 일의 결과가 “결국에, 마침내” 어떻게 되었다…라는 의미로 사용합니다.



We won in the end, but it was a close game.

결국엔 승리했지만, 아슬아슬한 게임이었다.


A: Should I really do this?

 진짜 이거 해야 돼?

B: It will help you in the end.

결국  너한테 도움이  거야.






What kept you going? This is a question for all of you, because training is not easy, I’m assuming. It’s years and years. Very intense. Yeah, and there’s a lot.. everything in your world is different overnight.



What keeps us going?



Yeah, what was that motivation?



For me, it was like this drive. I was like, I cannot go, fly all the way back to Australia without making this work. I felt like it was a fight against myself. Cause it was really really difficult to be honest. Being away from family, and I was so young. I never left, slept outside of my house for more than two weeks. You know, at that age. But I had to, just leave, and um.. The culture wasn’t fully in my blood yet. So it was very difficult but for me, it was more like.. “I have to, I have to make this work, or I’m never gonna leave Korea without making this work.” I was more like angry about it. “This has to work!” 


궁금하신 점은 댓글로 남겨주세요 :)

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