셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

9. 방탄소년단(BTS)이 직접 뽑은 최고의 뮤비 Top 7

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 10. 28. 22:38

방탄소년단이 직접 뽑은 그들의 뮤비 Top 7을 얘기합니다.




[영문 스크립트]



What is something about the video that Army would find interesting or surprising?

Hello, we're BTS. And these are our Top 7 favorite music videos.

What is your favorite music video, and what makes it something special to you?



I like..



Oh yeah, Jin. Come on!



Young Forever






What's your favorite song?



For me, "Run." I miss running like crazy in the Hangang.



Hmm, "Save Me." It was a rough day, but the video turned out really cool.



I like "Spring Day." The music video delivered the track's emotion very well. I also just like the song.



“On" has a soft spot in my heart. We prepared so much for it, but we still couldn't show it to our fans in person.



Yes, I love "ON" Kinetic Manifesto Film. The performance is awesome, and the visuals are really.. It was so cool to see the performance near the white dam.



Tell us about your new song, "Dynamite."



Boom! We have a new song called "Dynamite" Boom. Actually, it's "Dynamite," not "Dynamite Boom." But we call it "Dynamite," and it's a really fun disco-pop track about doing what we can do, even when things don't work out as planned.



We hope this song can be your energy.



Yeah, next question! What did you guys love about making "Dynamite" and the music video?



Oh, that's an interesting question! I am kind of like in charge of English here, so in many parts of this song, you can hear me singing in the background with a low voice. Listen closely!



They did something to the camera angle that made my head as big as my body.



Oh, daedu? Do you know "daedu"?  



Big head!



It was really funny, you know?



Big head!



The singing in "Dynamite," it wasn't easy because the song is high-pitched. The music video is mostly freestyle, so we had fun creating moves on the spot.



We really had fun filming the music video. We came up with the choreos and gestures. There were good vibes only!



We played basketball when filming the music video, and it was draining but fun.



There's a part where I sing and dance alone in a room. I couldn't focus that well right from the start, so I had to re-shoot it later.



But you did it well!

<영상에 나온 영어 표현>

1. turn out

(일의 결과가) 되다


*But the video turned out really cool.

영상이 정말 멋지게 나왔다.


"어떤 일의 진행이나 결과가 어떻게 되었다"라는 것을 표현할 때 사용할 수 있는 표현입니다.



The outcome didn't turn out as I intended.

결과가 내가 의도한 대로 되지 않았다.


A: How did the project go?

그 프로젝트 어떻게 됐어?

B: It actually turned out really well.

사실 진짜 잘 됐어.



2. have a soft spot

애착이 가다, 좋아하다


*ON has a soft spot in my heart.

ON은 내 마음 한 켠에 있다. (=좋아한다)


have a soft spot in one's heart for someone/something라고 표현하는데요. 직역해보면, "마음속에 무언가/누군가를 위한 부드러운 곳이 있다"라고 되죠. 즉, 그 '무언가' 혹은 '누군가'에 대한 애착이 있고, 좋아한다는 뜻이 됩니다. in one's heart는 생략하고 사용해도 무방합니다.



I have a soft spot for chocolate.

나 초콜렛 진짜 좋아해.


A: Wow, you really take a good care of the kids.

와, 너 애들 진짜 잘 돌본다.

B: Well, I have a soft spot in my heart for children.

나 애들한테 애착이 있거든.



3. work out

(일이) 잘 풀리다


*Even when things don't work out as planned.

일이 계획된 대로 잘 풀리지 않을 때도.


work out은 '운동하다'라는 뜻 말고도, '일이 잘 풀리다, 잘 해결되다'라는 뜻으로도 많이 쓰입니다.



Things have worked out really well.

일이 정말 잘 풀렸다.


A: I'm so happy that everything worked out well.

모든 게 잘 풀려서 너무 좋아요.

B: It's all thanks to you.

모두 당신 덕분이에요.



4. in charge of ~

~을 맡고 있는


*I'm in charge of English here.

내가 여기 영어 담당이잖아.


무엇을 담당한다거나, 어떤 것에 책임을 맡고 있을 때 쓸 수 있는 표현입니다.



A: Who's giving a presentation?

발표 누가 해?

B: Kevin is in charge of it.

케빈이 담당이야.


Kyle is in charge of the company.

카일은 회사를 책임지고 있다.



5. on the spot

즉석에서, 즉시


*So we had fun creating moves on the spot.

즉석에서 동작을 만드는 게 재밌었다.


일이 발생하고 있는 "현장에서, 즉석에서"라는 표현입니다. 또 다른 의미로, "즉시, 즉각"이라는 뜻도 있습니다.



The criminal was caught on the spot.

그 범인은 현장에서 체포됐다.


She answered the question on the spot.

그녀는 질문에 즉각 대답했다.


궁금하신 점은 댓글로 남겨주세요 :)

*해당 포스트의 이동/배포를 삼가주시기 바랍니다.


최애한테 배우는 영어, 셀럽잉글리시

인스타그램 👉🏻 @celeb_english

트위터 👉🏻 @celeb_english7


진~짜 쓸만한 영어, 찐잉글리시

인스타그램 👉🏻 @jjin_english


