셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

6. 국적이 3개라고? 전소미의 영어 인터뷰

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 10. 19. 23:38

2018년에 네덜란드 방송에서 진행된 전소미씨의 영어 인터뷰입니다. 전소미씨는 아버지가 네덜란드/캐나다 복수국적자이고 어머니가 한국인이라 3개의 국적을 갖고 있습니다. 아주 희귀한 경우라고 하는데요. 네덜란드, 캐나다, 한국 3개 나라의 여권을 모두 갖고 있다고 해요. 이번 인터뷰에서는 케이팝 아이돌로서의 삶, 자신의 네덜란드 혈통, 그리고 복수국적에 대해 얘기합니다. 3개의 국적을 가진 혼혈 아이돌 전소미씨의 영어, 다 같이 들어볼까요?




<영문 스크립트>


[영상 인트로]


How do you combime all those nationalities?



Um.. in a pocket, with my passports.




Q. How did you become such a popular Kpop idol?



Well, it's very hard, at the same time.. But, a lot of beautiful moments at the same time, as well. I love to sing, I love to perform in front of my fans. It's an unforgettable moment every time I perform on stage. I just love to interact with my fans and have a good time. So, yeah. It's actually a very blessing for me.



But it's also hard work.



Yes, it's very hard, by training, and singing, and dancing, and practicing. That is pretty hard. But other than that, it's really nice.



But you're only 17



Yes, I'm only 17, but I've been doing this for six years.



So it must be really a dream that you want to do this.



Yes, it was always my dream to sing and perform in front of people. So I'm very happy that I could do that.



*as well

역시, 또한

문장의 끝에 붙여 "~역시," "~또한"이란 의미를 나타냅니다. 전소미씨가 인터뷰 내내 표현을 정말 많이 사용하여 가져왔습니다.



It was very hard, but there were a lot of wonderful moments as well.

정말 힘들었지만, 멋진 순간들 역시 많았다.


A: What's your favorite food?

제일 좋아하는 음식이 뭐야?

B: I love pizza. Oh, I love chicken as well!

피자를 좋아해. , 치킨도 좋아해!


A: The food smells really nice. Is it turkey?

음식 냄새 진짜 좋다. 칠면조야?

B: Yes. I baked some potatoes as well.

. 감자도 구웠어.



**other than


other than A라고 하면, "A 이외에"라는 뜻입니다.



Training is really hard. Other than that, being a K-pop singer is really nice.

트레이닝은 정말 힘들다. 그것 외에는, 케이팝 아이돌이 되는 정말 좋다.


A: Hey, I'm so sorry but I have to go.

미안한데 가봐야 .

B: What? I don't know anyone here other than you.

? 여기 말고는 아무도 몰라.


A: How was the concert?

콘서트 어땠어?

B: Ugh, too many people. Other than that, everything was great.

, 사람 너무 많았어. 그거 말고는 전부 좋았어.



Q. What makes Kpop so attractive?



I think the different sound of K-pop. Because it has more beat, more trap, and it has performances with it. You dance and sing at the same time. And I think that's the biggest charm of K-pop, and it's getting bigger and bigger in Europe right now. And I'm really excited of(about) that.


'Cause not so long ago... Not so long ago, I went to Berlin to have this small performance. A big performance. And then... it was pretty big. And then, a long time ago, I went to Paris. And I had a concert as... I had a concert there as well. So I'm just very excited to come to Europe and perform in front of my European fans as well. So, I’m really excited that it's getting bigger and bigger. 



Q. How does it feel to be here in the Netherlands?



The cheese, the bitterballen. I don't know. It just feels like home. As soon as I just landed in the Netherlands.. I don't know. Is it the smell, or the people, or anything.. I don't know. It just feels so welcoming, and it feels like home, so I'm really happy about that.



*It feels like home.

집처럼 편하다, 집처럼 느껴진다

어떤 장소나 공간이 자기 집처럼 편안하게 느껴질 , 고향에 것처럼 포근할 , "It feels like home( 처럼 편안하다!)" "This place feels like home(여기 우리집처럼 포근하다)"라고 있습니다.



A: Why does everything here feel so familiar?

여기 있는 전부다 익숙하게 느껴지지?

B: Me too. It just feels like home.

나도야. 집처럼 느껴져.


A: How does it feel to be back in Korea?

한국 다시 오니까 어때?

B: Now it feels like home.

이제서야 집에 같아.



Q. Are you of Friesian descent?



Yes, I do, I do. My... my heritage. I have Dutch heritage, so I'm really proud of that as well. 



And your Friesian heritage, where does it come from?



I have a lot of athlete ancestors. They all do exercising, they're all like sport masters. They're the best. So I thought it was pretty cool. Maybe that's why my dad and I are very active and pretty good at athletes(athletics). 



You think that's a Friesian thing.



Yes, I think so.



Why does it make you think like that?



Cause my grandpa was the best diver. Maybe that's why my dad's very good at swimming. Maybe that's why I'm good at swimming as well. So, I don't know. I think that's a Friesian thing that's... that makes you very active at sports. I'm really proud of that.



And your grandfather was Friesian?






And he went to Canada. And where was he from?



He was from... I know the street name. I know the street name, but I don't... What's the part...?






Yes, Heerenveen. And Compagno... Compagnonsstraat. Yes, I know the street name, but I forgot the name, but... He was from there. And in 2012, I actually visited his old house. It was really nice to be at my grandfather's older house. I was really happy to be there.



Is he still alive?



Yes, he's still alive. He's not dead.







He's an Olympic athlete.

그는 올림픽 운동선수다.


Kim Yuna is such a great athlete.

김연아는 대단한 운동선수다.


A: Wow, he exercises almost all day.

, 거의 하루종일 운동하네.

B: He's gonna make a good athlete.

쟤는 좋은 운동선수가 거야.



Q. What does your mom think about your three nationalities?



She loves it as well. She's very proud that I have three nationalities, and I have a Dutch heritage as well. So she's really.. she's really proud of me as well. 



How do you combine all those nationalities?



In a pocket. With my passport.



You really have three passports?



Yes, I have three passports. That's pretty cool. So I'm like... should I use this one, or should I use that one?

Look at the expire time, 'Oh, I should use this one and should use that one.' It's really nice to have three nationalities at once, ‘cause it's very special, and it's really hard to have. You can't have three passports or nationalities because you want them. So I think it's a very blessing for me. And I love to be.. a little bit different.





비슷한 단어로 citizenship(시민권) 있습니다. 이중 국적을 dual nationality 혹은 dual citizenship 라고 합니다.



A: How do you have two passports?

어떻게 여권이 개야?

B: I have dual nationality.

이중 국적 갖고 있어.


One should not discriminate against a person based on his/her sex, race, or nationality.

누군가의 , 인종, 국적 때문에 차별을 해서는 된다.



Q. How do your different nationalities express themselves through you?



I think I have three personalities with me. I do. I have some Dutch part of me, and I have some Canadian parts of me and some Korean parts of me. I think it's pretty cool.



So what's the Korean part of you?



Korean part is.. sometimes I get really realistic and a little bit strict sometimes. Yes it’s.. Everything's very calculated like, da da da da. After I do this, after I do that. That's the Korean part of me. And the Canadian part of me is like, 'Aye, let's have some fun, just go with the flow.' And the Dutch part of me is, I love bitterballen. And Gouda cheese, I love it. (The) Older, the better.



I agree. And the Friesian part, is there something?



Friesian part, I'm really good at exercising. And.. I actually did Taekwondo, which is a Korean sport. And I was really good with that. I did it for 8 years. I love exercising, so I think that's a Friesian part of me.



*go with the flow

흐름에 맡기다

대세를 따르다

너무 애쓰지 않고 그냥 흘러가는 대로, 흐름에 맡기는 것을 말합니다. 혹은 남들이 많이 하는 것을 그대로 따르는 것을 의미하기도 합니다.



A: Oh god, I can't do this anymore.

이거 이상은 .

B: Just relax and go with the flow.

그냥 진정하고 되는대로 .


A: Hey, what are you gonna wear at the party?

파티에서 입어?

B: Just a simple dress. I think I'll just go with the flow.

그냥 심플한 드레스. 대세를 따르려고.


궁금하신 점은 댓글로 남겨주세요 :)

*해당 포스트의 이동/배포를 삼가주시기 바랍니다.


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