셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

8. 방탄소년단, Dynamite 해외 인터뷰 모음

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 10. 27. 02:54

모든 가사가 영어로 된 노래 다이너마이트(Dynamite)를 발표 후 빌보드 Hot 100 차트에서 1위를 차지한 방탄소년단(BTS)! 해당 곡을 발표했을 때 정말 많은 해외 매체와 영어로 인터뷰를 진행했는데, 그 중 하이라이트만 모았습니다.



<영문 스크립트>


[Part 1]

Actually, it's very simple. The lyrics are all about the little things that make life truly valuable and special. We just wanted to give our fans some positive explosion and energy, like BOOM! That's all.

[Part 2]

This track is very tricky. I think it's very... It's kind of like a chance for us too. So, like the title, we don't know what's it gonna be. But we just did our best, tried new things. Singing in fully English is kind of like a very big challenge for us. But it's a challenge, but... It could be a breakthrough for us. We thought it could be a breakthrough for this.. all kinds of circumstances. And you know, kind of like a mannerism. We'll see what's it gonna be. I just wanna say, we'll see.




돌파구, 약진

돌파구, 엄청난 발전과 성취, 약진, 중요한 발견 등을 의미합니다.



After years of practicing, he finally had a breakthrough.

수년 간의 연습 끝에, 그는 마침내 큰 약진을 했다.


A: Wow, I heard you received a huge award.

와, 너 엄청 큰 상을 받았다며.

B: Yeah, that was such a great breakthrough for me.

응, 나에게 있어선 정말 큰 발전(돌파구)였지.



[Part 3]

Very specific situation that we never... all of us never expected. Like this, so um... For just Dynamite, we never thought that we would release this track or... release a single or a song full in English. So, um, let's see. I just wanna say one thing that we'll try our best and focus on what we can do, which is the music and the performance, giving love to all the fans all over the world. That's what we gonna do. Yeah, and the first VMA, of course.



[Part 4]

Basically, we gon' perform Dynamite for the very first time. And new choreography, new visuals, handsome faces... will explode.



*for the first time


어떤 경험을 처음으로 했을 때 사용할 수 있는 표현입니다. the와 first 사이에 very를 넣어 강조하는 느낌을 줄 수 있습니다.



I rode a bicycle for the very first time.

자전거를 처음으로 탔다.


A: How was your summer break?

여름 휴가 어땠어?

B: I went to Paris for the first time. It was wonderful.

파리에 처음으로 갔어. 정말 멋졌어.



[Part 5]

It's gonna be our first performance of Dynamite. It's kind of like a, disco, disco, disco, retro, retro, retro. Kind of like a, first time for us too.



[Part 6]

Suga bought a guitar, and he's practicing the guitar. We're sleeping as much as we can. And we watched Netflix. For me, personally, I watched '(The) Good Place.' And it was the best. JK, wanna say something? JK has some, did some painting. I love tennis. J-Hope did some tennis.



*as much as ~

~ 만큼

"as much as의 뒤에 나오는 무언가 만큼" 이라는 뜻입니다. 인터뷰에 나온 것 처럼 as much as we can이라고 하면 [우리가 할 수 있는 만큼], 혹은 as much as we want라고 하면 [우리가 원하는 만큼]이라는 뜻이 됩니다.



She doesn't love you as much as I do.

그녀는 너를 나만큼 사랑하지 않아.


A: Wow, there's pizza!

와, 피자다!

B: Eat as much as you want.

먹고 싶은 만큼 먹으렴.



[Part 7]

We're really in the middle of the process, getting tracks, writing lyrics, recording some raps and vocals. So it's gon' be.. You know, well, one thing that is sure is that... We gon' release in this year. It's not... It's not gonna be so late.



[Part 8]

So actually our albums and music is all about the, those balance. Those personas and egos, conflicts between personas and egos. We have not... We have not already gotten the answer but.. Actually we're in... We think we're on the journey finding those balance and finding the answer. So it's still hard to get a balance between our.. persona as BTS members and as just some normal boy in Korea. But I think we're doing it quite well.



[Part 9]

Always, history will (be) estimated. We'll be judged, but.. You know, we know one thing. I think the most significant impact is our music giving positive impact to someone out there.



[Part 10]

Dynamite is about confidence and having fun. Sometimes in life we struggle. We all do throw dynamite. We want to give people everywhere a message of hope.



[Part 11]

2020 has been truly a rough year for many. There were many surprises and changes. We felt like desperate to be honest with you. We thought we needed a breakthrough from that. So we focused on what we can do the best, and that was the music and performance. We tried to get energy. We wanted to give the energy back to the world. You know, things are simple. The world needs a positive explosion,  and we came with Dynamite, and boom!


*to be honest


"솔직히 말하면"이라는 뜻으로, 문장의 앞 혹은 뒤에 나올 수 있습니다. 뒤에 with you를 붙이면, "너에게 솔직히 말하면"이라는 뜻이 됩니다.



To be honest with you, I can't understand why you did that.

솔직히 말하면, 너가 왜 그런 행동을 했는지 이해가 안 돼.


A: How did you like the movie?

영화 어땠어?

B: I think it was terrible, to be honest.

솔직히 말하면 진짜 별로였어.



**give back

되돌려주다, 나눠주다

물건을 되돌려주거나, 자신이 갖고 있는 것을 남들에게 나눠주며 베푸는 것(환원, 기여)을 뜻합니다.



Hey, that's mine! Give it back!

야, 그거 내거야! 돌려내!


I think it's important to give back to the community.

지역사회에 환원하는 것은 중요하다고 생각한다.


궁금하신 점은 댓글로 남겨주세요 :)

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