셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

5. 냉면 사랑 존박의 영어 인터뷰

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 10. 19. 19:19

2013년에 진행된 존박씨의 영어 인터뷰입니다. 미국 시카고 출신의 존박씨는 미국의 명문대학 노스웨스턴 출신인데요. 경제학을 전공하다가 노래로 전향을 한 게 굉장히 인상적입니다. 존박씨는 또 냉면을 굉장히 좋아하시는 걸로 잘 알려져 있는데요. 이번 인터뷰에서 자신의 냉면 사랑을 마음껏 드러내네요. 미국 명문대 출신 존박씨의 영어, 다 같이 한번 들어볼까요?




<영문 스크립트>

J: 존박 / H: 호스트


H: Can you live life or imagine life without Korean cold buckwheat noodles 냉면?


J: No. No way.


H: He was originally a student at Northwestern University. He was an economics major. How do you go from economics to singing? We want to welcome, John Park.


J: Hi everyone, listeners. Thank you for having me. My name is John Park.


H: 7865 says, 'Go Northwestern.'


J: N.U. Go Cats!


H: Let me ask you though. How do you go from economics to becoming a singer-songwriter?


J: I don't even know what happened. Actually in high school, I was studying and getting lessons for classical music. So when I auditioned for college, when I put in my application, I went for the double degree program, with a B.A. and a..


H: And a minor.


J: Yeah, B.M. So... I got accepted and... I was studying both econ and opera, actually.


H: That is crazy. 


H: Opera. So you could do all that.


J: Right, and then I dropped opera within a month.


H: Okay. 


H: ‘I wanna stick to pop.'


J: I just wanted to have music as kind of like a hobby, something that I enjoyed while I focused my studies on econ.


H: But that became your career. 


J: Exactly.


H: So how sad is it that you studied 4 years of econ, and you will never use that?


J: Well, I actually studied 2 years. 


H: Okay. That’s good.


J: I’m taking a break from school. So I didn't waste too much time, just 2 years.


H: You can always go back to college, but you can't always go back to being a superstar.


J: Yeah, sure.


H: You should do it while you can.


H: Do it while you're young. Trust us.


H: 7384 says, 'Every time you do an interview or you're on a show, You talk about food.' All you do is you talk about food, and they think that you live for eating.


H: Well, we're foodies.




미식가, 음식 좋아하는 사람

요리하는 걸 즐기거나, 다양한 음식을 맛보는 걸 좋아하는 사람을 일컫습니다.



A: Can you recommend a pizza restaurant around here? I know you're a foodie.

여기 주변에 피자 레스토랑 추천해줄래? 너 미식가잖아.

B: Try 'Celeb Pizza.' I went there yesterday, and it was really good.

셀럽 피자 가봐. 어제 갔는데 진짜 좋았어.


A: Wow, look at his IG. Tons of food pictures.

와, 쟤 인스타 좀 봐. 음식 사진 진짜 많아.

B: He's a foodie, you know.

걔 미식가잖아.



J: I’m very passionate about food. More than music, I think.


H: Really? 


H: We have a lot to talk about.


J: No, music more, music more. I think my manager was going 'No, no, no.'


H: Your manager's out there going, 'You're not a cook John.'


J: Music first. 


H: Music first. 'Cause 3259 was asking, we're talking about summer vacation, things like that, 'Can you live life or imagine life without Korean cold buckwheat noodles 냉면?'


J: No. No way.


H: Is that your favorite food?


J: I have it, maybe like 4 or 5 times a week.


H: The 물, the water 냉면 or...?


J: Yeah, the 물냉면.


H: That's so literal.


J: Not the.. not like the sour and kind of spicy stuff. It's called 평양냉면.


H: which is the...


J: A little more bland, with the brown noodles. 




(맛이) 싱거운, 밍밍한, 자극적이지 않은



This soup is too bland. Can you pass me the salt, please?

이 수프 너무 싱겁다. 소금 좀 줄래?


A: Wow, I really loved the food here.

와, 나 여기 음식 진짜 좋았어.

B: You did? Everything was kind of bland for me.

그랬어? 나한텐 전부 다 좀 밍밍하던데.



H: The noodles are a little different, too.


J: Right, exactly.


H: Somebody that we know very close, a producer of us, he used to eat that 평양냉면 after.. when he was trying to sober up. So I thought, because we always went with him when he was trying to sober up, that's what you're supposed to do. And one time we had this big meeting with everybody, and I got a little bit... you know... 


H: Intoxicated.


H: I wasn't feeling well. So I went to go eat 평양냉면, and it made me sick.


J: It made you sick, really?


H: It works for certain people, but it didn't work for her.


J: For me, it's such a great hangover cure.


H: Which it was for our producer. 


H: Don't understand that.





hangover는 숙취입니다. "hangover cure"라고 하면, "숙취 해소법, 숙취 치료법" 정도가 되겠습니다. 추가로 애즈원 분들이 사용한 표현 중, "sober up"은 "술이 깨다"라는 표현이며, "sober"는 "술에 취하지 않은"이란 뜻입니다.



A: Oh my god, I have a really bad hangover.

와, 나 숙취 진짜 장난 아니야.

B: How much did you drink last night?

어젯밤에 얼마나 마신 거야?


A: Gosh, the hangover. Can I get some water?

와, 숙취. 나 물 좀 줄래?

B: Here. Drink and sober up.

여기. 마시고 술 좀 깨.


A: Wow, this stew is really nice.

와, 이 국 진짜 좋다.

B: The best hangover cure.

최고의 숙취 해소제지.



H: Are all your lyrics in English, though?


J: No, just the song that you heard, 'Sipping my life.'


H: So you even made your own Korean lyrics.


J: Yeah. 


H: How did that happen?


H: We've been here 14 years and we still have not done that, buddy. 


H: People keep telling us to write our own Korean lyrics, and we're like, 사랑해요, 고마워요, 미안해요, that's all we can do.


H: We don't go past that.


H: How did you do your lyrics?


J: I don't know. I think I had... I felt a lot of pressure on me about not being able to...


H: That doesn't help.


J: Yeah, sometimes, sometimes. But I had a fear about Korean.. and speaking Korean and writing Korean. So I think I motivated myself to excel and just to learn more and more.


H: See, that's where your smart boy side comes out.


J: Yeah, so I read a lot of books and just tried to listen to as much music as possible. It's not, I mean, it's not really deep or...


H: But it's still in Korean.


J: Yeah, it's in Korean. 


H: That's deep to us.


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