셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

3. 티파니 & 제시카, 소녀시대 Gee 시절 영어 인터뷰

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 10. 19. 00:33

이번에는 좀 오래된 영상을 가져 왔는데요. 2009년 티파니씨와 제시카씨가 소녀시대 Gee로 함께 활동할 때 했던 영어 인터뷰입니다. 앨범을 준비한 과정, 티파니씨와 제시카씨가 캐스팅된 일화, 소녀시대 멤버들 간의 이야기 등 여러가지에 대해 얘기합니다. 티파니씨와 제시카씨의 영어 인터뷰도 보고, 각종 영어 표현도 함께 배워보아요.




<영문 스크립트>


*T: 티파니 / J: 제시카 / H: 호스트


J/T: One, two, three. Hi, we're Girls' Generation.


T: Hi, this is Tiffany.


J: Hi, this is Jessica.


H: So, this makes it easy for me 'cause both of you are Korean-American, and I don't have to translate, which is really hard! Okay, so right now, your huge hit 'Gee.' Okay, it's such a sensation, around the country, also around the world, I think. ‘Cause I've seen, uh.. You know the YouTube videos.


T: Yeah. I've seen quite a few of 'em, actually.


H: It's not just from Korea, right?


J/T: Yeah.


H: Thailand I've seen, and like other countries, too.


T: Other countries. And boys, and girls. That's so interesting.


H: Exactly. So, did you expect that this album or that single at least would be this popular?


T: We had no idea. We really had no idea. Preparing for this album, we took a lot more than we expected. We took a lot more time than everybody else expected. So, I guess, as hard as we worked, the feedback is getting... yeah it's paying off!



*pay off

(노력 등이) 결실을 맺다, 보상받다

내가 어떤 것에 대하여 시간이나 노력을 투자하고 그 결과가 결실을 맺고 제대로 나오고 있을 때, pay off 한다고 합니다.



Hard work always pays off.

열심히 일하면 언제나 결실을 맺는다.


A: Hey, your video got more than a million views!

야, 너 영상 조회수 백만 넘었어!

B: Yeah, I guess my hard work is finally paying off.

응, 열심히 일한 게 드디어 보상받나 봐.



H: It’s paying off, it’s paying off. Okay. But when you guys hear a song, do you know "Okay, this is gonna be a hit," or you just kinda put it out there and see what happens?


T: Of course, there's always really really good music, like all the music we've done so far is really our style, and we really like it. But this song was actually pretty new, and it's kind of different from what we did in the first album. So we were kind of scared, but at the same time, we were like.. We should be scared. And we should kind of make it ours if it doesn't look like ours.


J: It actually became ours now.


H: Okay, that's good. So, you said that you took a lot of time to prepare for this album and that you guys have a new image as well. How else have you, do you think you've changed at least from this album since the first one?


T: I have to say we matured so much.


H: Okay, in what ways?


T: Musically, physically, mentally, and as a group, I'd say we grew up a lot. Long time ago, we just argued about stupid things, but now it's like.. We understand each other a lot more, and we're all running at it, at one goal.


J: I think it actually shows when we go on stage. We feel more mature, we feel more comfortable on stage.


H: So how do you think it's changed in terms of relationship between you girls? ‘Cause nine girls. That's a lot. I know girls can get a bit catty




(주로 여자들이) 고양이처럼 구는, 사나운

일반적으로 여자들에게 많이 사용되는 단어이고, 한국말로 딱 한마디로 표현하기가 어려운 단어네요. 굳이 표현하자면, 고양이처럼 군다...? 여자들끼리 있을 때 미묘한 기싸움을 한다던가, 고양이처럼 사납고 교활하게 군다던가, 머리채를 잡고 싸운다던가 하는... 고양이가 할퀼듯이 째려보는 느낌을 상상하시면 될 것 같습니다.



A: Did those girls just gossip about me?

저 여자애들 방금 내 험담한거야?

B: I guess they did. You know, high school girls can be pretty catty sometimes.

그런 것 같네. 원래 여고생들이 좀 catty할 때도 있잖아.


A: Wow, did you just see how those girls were fighting?

와, 방금 저 여자애들 싸우는 거 봤어?

B: Yeah, they were totally catty.

응, 완전 catty하더라.



T: Baseball team. We can be catty, 'cause we're pretty catty.


H: This is like sisters, too.


T: That's exactly what we call each other. But it can get catty, but what's really really, like.. We're really well-balanced. We are all really catty, but we're not catty to each other. We're catty when it comes to our group. Like, if somebody says a thing about us, we're like, "What?"


H: Very protective. 


J: Tiffany is really overprotective. Overprotective. I’m just kidding.


H: You're the mother figure of the group. How about that?


T: I don't know when I turned this way.


H: You're getting older. I’m just kidding. You're only twenty. I'm kidding. I'm twenty seven. You guys have nothing to worry about.


T: My sister's twenty eight.


H: You guys are both Korean-Americans. You're from LA, you're from San Francisco. So how did you guys get signed by SM, which is a Korean company, right?


J: Um.. Well, I was casted in Korea actually, when I was in fifth grade.


H: Very young.


J: I was shopping with my mom.


H: They just scouted you on the street. 


J: Yeah.


H: What about you?


T: I was casted...


J: Singing!


T: Yeah, I was singing at an audition, actually. And at the time, I was fifteen. I just turned sophomore in high school. And then they asked if I was interested in singing, and I definitely was. So, I asked my dad, and he said no. But I somehow got away, and I'm here now. 


J: She came to school with me in Korea.


T: Yeah, we were going to a foreign school together.


H: Okay, so.. regular school.


J: A Foreign school...


T: American, international school. So we're pretty familiar with the whole American school society life.



*be familiar with

~에 익숙한, 친숙한

누군가 어떤 것에 대해 잘 알고 친숙할 때 사용할 수 있는 표현입니다.


A: Have you met the new guy, Tommy?

너 새로온 애 Tommy 만나봤어?

B: I think I'm familiar with the name. Where is he from?

이름이 익숙하네. 어디서 온 애야?


A: Hey, how do I take a picture with my iPhone? I'm not familiar with smartphones.

아이폰으로 사진 어떻게 찍어? 내가 스마트폰이랑 별로 안 친해서.

B: ....Are you serious?

지금 농담하는 거 아니지?



H: Okay, again. So there's nine of you, all very different. What do you think is the funniest or strangest rumor you've heard about yourself or the group? ‘Cause there's a lot of things going on. 


T: Yeah. Wha, wha, what about our.... Jessica looks pretty bummed.


J: I actually have a lot of things on my mind right now.


T: Oh, what's one of 'em? What's a funny one? 


J: A funny one...


H: Something you could actually say on the air.


T: Actually... did you think of one?


J: You can say..


T: What I remember, um... there was this new comparison program thing, where they compared my last album and the album now. So they were like, "Wow, she got a lot smarter over one album." So I was like... I'm just growing into my skin. I was embarrassed, but it's kind of fun. I think it's a good experience for my family, 'cause since they weren't with me for the three years. They can actually watch me grow. So I was pretty happy with... but it was funny stuff.



*on my mind

생각 중인, 마음에 걸리는

"내 마음 위에 있다," 즉 무언가를 생각하고 있거나, 근심이 있어 마음에 걸리는 게 있을 때 쓸 수 있는 표현입니다.



I have too many thoughts on my mind.

나 머리 속에 생각이 너무 많아.


A: Why are you still up?

너 왜 아직도 깨어있어?

B: I have so much on my mind that I can't seem to fall asleep.

머리속이 너무 복잡해서 잠이 안 와.



H: But I think that persona of that stereotype of you being not as, not the sharpest tool in the shed. But that's part of the show, though. right?


T: No, I don't know. It was never an act. I just so happened to not know some vocabularies.


H: But don't you think that editing has something to do with it, like the way they portray certain people? So it's not really reality shows. We call them faux reality. Okay, so one last thing. What would you like to say to our listeners all out there?


T: Jessica, wanna go first?


H: Any last things, maybe they can look out for you guys, or just to say thank you or something.


J: Well, we came out with our album last month, 'Gee.'  And I hope you guys enjoy our music. And we'll see you guys around soon.


T: First and foremost, I'd like to thank all the fans, not just in Korea, but actually all the listeners right now too. Because we're very overwhelmed and grateful for the much love you have given us. I’d like to say that since we were kind of absent for 2008, we'll be here throughout the whole 2009 and I hope you look forward to our news.


H: Okay, well, thanks. I'm sure they're gonna be looking out for you guys, ‘cause you guys are one of the most popular groups out there. Thank you so much for taking the time. I know you guys are really busy so we'll let you get back to your rehearsals.


J/T: Thank you so much.



*on my mind

생각 중인, 마음에 걸리는

"내 마음 위에 있다," 즉 무언가를 생각하고 있거나, 근심이 있어 마음에 걸리는 게 있을 때 쓸 수 있는 표현입니다.



I have too many thoughts on my mind.

나 머리 속에 생각이 너무 많아.


A: Why are you still up?

너 왜 아직도 깨어있어?

B: I have so much on my mind that I can't seem to fall asleep.

머리속이 너무 복잡해서 잠이 안 와.



**first and foremost

가장 먼저, 다른 무엇보다 더

일반적으로 말의 서두에 다른 것 보다 가장 중요한 것을 언급할 때 사용할 수 있는 표현입니다.



A: Do you have anything you want to say to your fans?

팬들한테 하고싶은 말 있어요?

B: First and foremost, I'd like to say thank you.

일단 무엇보다도 먼저, 고맙다고 말하고 싶어요.


First and foremost, stay safe when you travel abroad.

가장 먼저, 해외여행을 할 땐 안전하게 지내라.


찾아주셔서 감사합니다. 궁금하신 점은 댓글로 남겨주세요 :)

*해당 포스트의 이동/배포를 삼가주시기 바랍니다.


최애한테 배우는 영어, 셀럽잉글리시

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