셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

1. 블랙핑크 제니 'Solo' 영어 인터뷰

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 10. 18. 23:17

첫번째 동영상의 주인공은 최근 'How you like that'으로 전 세계를 휩쓸고 있는 블랙핑크의 멤버, 제니씨입니다. 뉴질랜드에서 어린시절을 보낸 제니씨는 유창한 영어 실력을 갖고 있는데요. 자신의 솔로곡 'Solo'에 대한 영어 인터뷰에서 제니씨가 사용한 각종 표현을 배워보도록 합시다!




<영문 스크립트>


Hi, I'm Jennie, and you're watching Billboard.



Hi, I'm Tamar Herman here for Billboard and I'm here with Jennie. Hi, Jennie.



Hi, guys. Wait, where am I looking at? Here, hi.



So how are you doing today?



I'm good, thank you.



So, you just released your song ‘Solo,’ and it's doing so well and so amazingly. So, tell me a little bit about how it feels to be the first BLACKPINK member to release your own solo song.



Well, there was definitely some pressure when I was starting, because I was representing myself and also BLACKPINK for the very first time. But I tried to enjoy the process, and it was just fun. Everything was fun. And my members have been very helpful for me. They've been encouraging from day one.



*for the first time


무언가를 처음, 최초로 했을 때 사용할 수 있는 표현입니다. 여기서 very는 강조의 의미로 생략해도 무방합니다.



I went skiing for the very first time.

나는 처음으로 스키를 타러 갔다.


I went to a BLACKPINK concert for the first time in my life.

생에 처음으로 블랙핑크 콘서트에 갔다.


He invented it for the first time in the world.

그는 그것을 세계 최초로 발명했다.




Oh, that's so nice.






So, you know, the song itself is called ‘Solo.’ So what did you want people to take away from it?



Well, apart from the relationship status type of meaning, the song has a meaning of being true to yourself and being confident. So I hope the listeners can embrace the message and enjoy the song as much as I did.



The song did extremely well. Went to number one on the World Digital Song Sales Chart for Billboard Charts in the U.S. So, how did that make you feel?



Well, when I first heard the news, I couldn't believe it. I was like, no way. I was very surprised that so many people around the world has actually listened to my song. And they were being very supportive, and they loved the song. I was so grateful, and I'm still very thankful.



*thankful, grateful

고마운, 감사한

고마운 감정을 표현할 때 사용할 수 있는 표현입니다. 자신의 음악을 들어주는 팬분들을 향해 제니씨가 감사한 마음을 표현했습니다.



Thank you so much for helping me. I'm so grateful.

도와줘서 너무 고마워. 정말 감사해.


I was very thankful for his help.

그의 도움에 매우 감사했다.




So, you know, there is all the visual elements to it, there's the performance element, and there's the song itself. So what was your favorite memory throughout this whole process?



Well, it was my very first time shooting a music video overseas, which was in London, my very first time. And we got to shoot in this really beautiful, a princess-like mansion, which I would like to live in one day. And the whole process was just like a movie. I felt like I was a movie character, and I was acting everything. The whole shooting in London was a great experience. It was very tight-scheduled, and I didn't really get to enjoy it too much. But after watching it through my music video, I'm like, I remember that.



Hear that London, Jennie wants to visit. So, you know the song, it's called Solo. So, like when you're by yourself, what sort of things do you get up to?



It's actually very embarrassing. I don't do much when I'm on my own. I hang out with my dogs.



*on one's own

혼자서, 스스로

혼자 무엇을 할 때, 남의 도움 없이 스스로 무엇을 할 때 쓸 수 있는 표현입니다. one's 자리에는 my, his, her, their 등 주체의 소유격 형태를 넣어주시면 됩니다.



A: Do you need some help with it?

그거 좀 도와줄까?

B: No need. I can do it on my own.

괜찮아. 혼자서 할 수 있어.


I'm all on my own today.

오늘은 아무도 없이 혼자야.




That's doing something. 



Yeah. I like to just stay at home with my family. I eat something nice. Strawberries in season in Korea. So these days that's my go-to every day. And just relax, just rest from everything.




자주 찾는 것

사물, 물건, 사람, 장소 등 자주 찾는 것에 쓸 수 있는 표현입니다. 예를 들어, 단골인 식당이 있다면 ‘That restaurant is my go-to.’ 라고 표현할 수 있습니다. 제니씨는 딸기를 자주 먹는다고 하여 go-to라고 표현했네요.



A: What are you listening to?

너 지금 뭐 들어?

B: A new song from BLACKPINK. It's my go-to these days.

블랙핑크 신곡이야. 요즘 자주 들어.


A: Have you tried the old pho place near our office?

우리 사무실 근처에 그 오래된 쌀국수 가게 가봤어?

B: Yeah, that place is my go-to, actually.

응, 사실 내 단골이야.


James is my go-to guy whenever I need advice.

조언이 필요할 때 난 제임스를 찾아가.




You have a busy life. Everything's been crazy with BLACKPINK.



We had the concert in Seoul, and we've been going in and out everywhere. We're preparing something, uh huh. Yeah, for upcoming, I mean, next year. You know, it's a whole new year.



Guess we have to look forward to that.



But yeah, so when I have any free time, I just, I think I rest and just try to relax at home.



Hopefully you get a lot of rest in the near future, and then, you know, excite us all in 2019. What's next for you and BLACKPINK in 2019?



We have a world tour coming up, which we're very excited for. Very, very excited for. And a few more other things that I cannot spoil for you guys. It's coming, so please stay tuned. It's coming, that's all I'm gonna say.



We'll definitely look forward to it. 



Thank you.



Do you want to say anything to the U.S. Billboard audience or anything?



Hi guys, it's Jennie here, and it's such an honor that I actually got to interview with Billboard here today. I had a great time, and thank you guys for loving Solo and BLACKPINK. We hope to see you guys soon, so stay tuned guys. Bye!



*It's (such) an honor that ~

~하게 되어 (매우) 영광이다

'that 이하를 하게 되어 매우 영광이다'라는 표현으로, 인터뷰에서 자주 볼 수 있는 표현입니다. such는 강조를 위한 것으로, 생략해도 무방합니다. that 이하에는 '주어+동사'가 들어간 절이 나와야 합니다. 혹은 It's an honor to ~ 라고 표현하여, 뒤에 동사원형을 넣어줄 수도 있습니다.



It's an honor that I got to work with him.

그와 일할 수 있게 되어 영광이야.


It's such an honor to meet you.

당신을 만나게 되어 정말 영광이에요.


찾아주셔서 감사합니다. 궁금하신 점은 댓글로 남겨주세요 :)

*해당 포스트의 이동/배포를 삼가주시기 바랍니다.


최애한테 배우는 영어, 셀럽잉글리시

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