셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

4. 세븐틴 조슈아 & 버논 라디오 영어 인터뷰

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 10. 19. 18:50

그룹 세븐틴의 조슈아씨와 버논씨의 영어 인터뷰 영상을 준비했습니다. 2016년에 진행된 인터뷰라 지금보다 앳된 모습이 눈에 띄네요. 라디오 진행하시는 두 분이 조카들 부둥부둥 하는 것 같은 느낌이네요ㅋㅋ 두 분의 캐스팅 일화, 음악적으로 영향을 받은 사람, 활동에 대한 얘기, 짧은 노래와 랩 등 다양한 걸 볼 수 있습니다. 세븐틴 조슈아씨와 버논씨의 인터뷰도 보고, 각종 영어 표현도 함께 배워보아요.




<영문 스크립트>

*J: 조슈아 / V: 버논 / H: 호스트


H: We want to welcome Joshua and Vernon of Seventeen.


V: Hello.


J: Hi.


H: Oh my gosh. Can you please introduce yourselves to your fans? One by one.


J: Hi, I'm Joshua of Seventeen.


H: He's like, ‘Well, that was easy.’


H: ‘Yeah, that works.’


V: Yeah, I'm Vernon of Seventeen, and I rap.


H: Yeah, rap.


H: All right, we are excited. Tell us a little bit about yourselves. I mean, where do you guys come from, getting into the K-Pop scene, all of that we want to hear. This is the general stuff we have to get out of the way before we talk about the good stuff.


V: Okay, so... Joshua, go first. 


J: Oh, okay.


H: So sweet, always 챙겨ing the 형.


J: I’m from LA.


H: Where in LA are you from?


J: I’m from downtown Los Angeles.


H: Oh, like, literally LA.


J: Yeah, nearby Staples Center. Do you guys know where that is?


H: Of course, we're LA girls, too.


H: Well, I'm from Glendale. It's like 10 to 15 minutes away from there.


J: Oh yeah, it's really nearby. 


H: Okay.


J: I came to Korea two years ago 'cause I got street casted.


H: In downtown LA?


J: No, not downtown LA.


H: They still street cast? 


J: Yeah, they still street cast.


H: I thought that was over.


H: Okay, no.. But if you saw Joshua walking down the street, I think you would have to street cast. There's just no way we can avoid you.


J: There's actually this Korean festival that they have every year called 장터.


H: They still have that?


J: Yeah, they still have that.


H: That's where we first got our start in 1995.


H: Don't say the year!


H: Wait a second. Korean LA festival 장터 is where Min and I first got our start at the 노래자랑, at the singing contest.


J/V: Oh, wow 


H: Seriously. That's where we got scouted, that's where it all got started. But that was also the same year that Joshua was born. Are you kidding me?


H: And Vernon was three years in the making.


V: Yeah, I wasn't even born.


H: So, somebody from 장터 scouted you?


J: A manager from our company scouted me.


H: At 장터? Okay, okay, got it.


J: And they wanted to see my potential. So I came to Korea, trained for about a month, and then I got in.


H: That's really short. How old were you when you got scouted?


J: I think that was two years ago. So I was eighteen, Korean age.


H: And your parents were like, ‘Go ahead, you don't have to go to college. Go ahead and try it for a month.'


J: My mom actually wanted me to do what I wanted to do later on in the future.


H: See, young parents.. They're so different these days. Okay, so she let you go?


J: Yeah, she let me go. And she comes from time to time from L.A. to Korea just to see me. 



*from time to time

가끔, 이따금씩



He travels to New York from time to time to visit his parents.

그는 부모님을 뵈러 가끔 뉴욕으로 간다.


A: Hey, do you listen to K-pop?

너 케이팝 들어?

B: Yeah, from time to time.

응, 가끔.



H: So you are here alone like we were. So your family is all back home.


J: Yeah, all my family is back home.


H: Only child?


J: Yeah, I'm an only child.


H: Oh, that must be hard.


H: I know.


H: And what about you Vernon, three years in the making at that time?


V: Right, so.. I was born in New York, but I came to Korea when I was like five years old, so...


H: Oh, really? 


V: I'm culturally more Korean. My nationality is America, but I'm more culturally Korean.


H: And you look like a little baby Leonardo DiCaprio.


V: Nah, don't say that. No.


H: I don't see Leonardo DiCaprio.


H: The eyes, it's the smi-eyes.


H: So you came out here when you were five. So do you speak Korean?


V: Yeah, I speak Korean better than my English.


H: Liar. 


V: No, really.


H: And you read and write better than English?


V: Exactly.


H: Do you dream in Korean?


V: I dream in both, but Korean is much more comfortable for me.


J: That's what was crazy for me. When I first came to America, when I first came to Korea.. When I saw him, I thought he didn't know how to speak Korean at all but..


H: Exactly.


H: Wow. You probably speak better than us, then. That's just embarrassing.


H: Young kids these days... How did you keep up with your English then?


V: I just kept on using English with my family.


H: Oh, so when you're together.


V: Yeah, because my mom doesn’t speak Korean, so we had to speak in English.


H: Your mom doesn't speak Korean, but she moved out here with you when you were five, and she's lived in Korea ever since?


H: Just because of your dad.


V: Yeah, exactly.


H: Wow, that's love. Your father better be good to her. That's a big sacrifice to make.


H: Seriously. Now, how did you get scouted?


V: I was street casted, too.


H: See? They still street cast. I'm shocked. No one's gonna street cast us, so that's why we don't know. I'm not asking to be street casted, but I didn't know they still do that. Because there's so many auditions and so many ways to get into companies. So they came up to you two, and they were like, 'You look good. Can you sing?’ 


H: You both had love for music, obviously so...


V: Yeah, I mean.. I liked hip-hop, but I never professionally rapped it before.


H: Well, you were like twelve.


V: No, I was like fourteen.


 H: Oh, I'm sorry. Fourteen.


H: Big difference.


J: And I was in my church praise team, so I liked performing in front of people.


H: And recently, you just put up a video of yourself just playing the guitar singing, being all gentlemanly.


H: All the girls were going crazy. Are you one of those guys at church where all the girls are like, '오빠~' 'Oh you sing, I want to.. Do you have a girlfriend?' that kind of.. you know.


H: I’m sure he can't say with his own mouth.


H: But I'm just saying, do the girls do that, honestly?


J: Not at my church. They were like strictly religious, so they weren't that...


H: So, okay. Never mind.


H: Ah, musical influences?


V: Oh, okay. Why don't you go first, then?


J: Gabe Bondoc. He's actually a YouTube artist.


H: Wow, okay.


H: Gabe, what?


J: Gabe Bondoc.


H: Bondoc? 


J: Yeah, Bondoc.


H: What is it about him?


J: He plays an acoustic guitar, and that's what I used to play at church. And I really looked up to him. And I really like the songs that he makes and stuff. And I like his voice tone. That's one of the reasons why I really looked up to him.


H: But people love your voice tone, too.


H: People are like, 'Can you please sing?'


H: ‘Can you sing, please?' Oh, Gabe Bondoc. I know who he is. I just didn't know his name. Oh, he's Filipino, I think.


J: Yeah, he's Filipino. Right.


H: Really really talented.


H: Super talented.


J: Yeah, he's really talented.


H: I apologize.


H: We're not good with names.


H: I forget mine sometimes. What about you Vernon, hip hopper?


V: Yeah, my favorite artist is J. Cole.


H: J. Cole. Okay.


V: Yeah, I like his style. The way he expresses his experiences and his thoughts through his music.


H: Since you said that you speak Korean and write Korean actually better than you do English, are you able to participate in writing lyrics when you do your verses?


V: I always write my lyrics.


H: I think all rappers pretty much do. Oh, okay. I think Vernon is hilarious. Even when he talks, he talks like this. He has his hands, and he's like all hip-hop.


H: He's like, 'Yeah, you know, I write my lyrics.' ‘J Cole is cool.’


H: It's just like, hip hop just oozes out of you. I think it's great.



*ooze out

흘러 나오다, 새어 나오다

어떤 것이 무언가로 부터 흘러 나오거나 새어 나올 때 사용하는 단어입니다. 주로 액체에 많이 사용되긴 합니다.



Wow, look at the juice oozing out of the meat.

와, 고기에서 육즙 흘러 나오는 것 좀 봐.


The blood kept oozing out of his wound.

그의 상처에서 계속해서 피가 흘러 나왔다.



V: Oh wow, thank you. I didn't even know that.


J: Hip-hop DNA.


H: Watch the video next time.


V: Oh yeah, okay. For sure.


H: There has to be times when things are difficult.


V: Of course.


H: What's the hardest time for you guys?


V: Waking up.


H: The story of our lives.


J: Washing up and everything.


H: So true. Don't you wish you could just wake up and be all dolled up and just get on stage?


H: I wish I could just wake up at the 미용실, at the salon.


V: Right. I just want to wake up on stage and just like, perform right away and go back to sleep.


H: Could you imagine? So this is what you have to do. If you become extra extra famous and popular, and you'll each have this special person who will pick you up from bed, carry you, wash you, or hair.


V: Wow. That would be crazy.


H: That's disturbing. That's disturbing. I don't know if that comes with any amount of fame. But could we hear a little bit of how talented you guys are?


V: Of course.


H: We know your voices are so good. So, who's gonna go first?


V: Josh?


J: Oh, you want me to?


V: Yeah, Josh, Josh, Josh...


J: Okay, I'm pretty sure our fans heard this a lot.


H: But they will die every time.


H: Not enough.


<Joshua singing>


H: Wow.


H: I want to be that mold.


V: Nice reverb. Thank you for the reverb.


H: Did you like that? I love that song even more now. 


H: That was amazing. You have a really pretty voice. Not pretty like, I'm sorry. I know you're a man. But, no, it's a very... your color.


H: Soothing. Your color is beautiful and so beautiful that we have people asking you to sing again. That's enough. These guys have a lot to do.


H: Now we also have Vernon and we know that you are the hip hopper here. I mean, he not only raps, but he, when he talks, he's just hip hop. 


H: Your voice is just, even when you laugh, it's like…


H: And he's so professional. He's like 'Should I do four bars?' And we're like, ‘You can do whatever you want.' And he goes, 'No, I think four bars will be perfect.'


V: Okay, okay.


H: Take it away, Vernon.

<Vernon rapping>

J: Yo! Hip-hop.


H: Are you seriously, you're not, you're not seventeen.


V: No, I am seventeen. American age, seventeen. Yeah, I am.


H: No, no, no.


H: Can you teach me how to do that? 'Traffic.' That's all I got. That's all I got.


H: Please ignore my friend, I'm sorry.


H: Before you go, a lot of your fans want to know what's in store for you guys and what's happening in your near future.


H: Future plans, all that good stuff. Break it down.


V: Okay, well.. Our hip hop unit, we’re just keep on working on new mix tapes and stuff, so just anticipate.



*work on

~에 노력하다, ~에 애를 쓰다

활동, 프로젝트, 연구, 일 등 다양한 것에 쓸 수 있는 표현으로, 어떤 것에 노력을 쏟고 애를 쓴다는 뜻입니다.



A: Hey, look at you. You are in such a good shape.

너 좀 봐. 너 몸 되게 좋아졌다.

B: Yeah, I've been working on building muscles.

응, 요즘 근육 키우는 데 노력 중이야.


He worked so hard on his project.

그는 그의 프로젝트에 많은 노력을 쏟았다.



H: And your fans can listen to all the ones you put out, right?


V: Yeah, of course, yeah. We're always working on them.


J: And although our main focus right now is to promote in Korea, once our name gets more well known, we’re going to go out to other countries and promote too.


H: Good luck with everything, and thank you so much for being on the show.


H: Thank you. Here is Seventeen everybody with 'Twenty.' Bye, guys.


J/V: Bye.


궁금하신 점은 댓글로 남겨주세요 :)

*해당 포스트의 이동/배포를 삼가주시기 바랍니다.


최애한테 배우는 영어, 셀럽잉글리시

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