셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

15. 최우식 기생충 영어 인터뷰 & 영화 '마녀' 영어 연기

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 12. 12. 16:54



- Hi, How are you Toronto? Thank you for having us here tonight. I actually grew up in Vancouver, but never had a chance to come here.


- They’re pretty old, huh? It wouldn’t be so strange if they just died.



[Part 1]


And what about for you Choi? What did he first tell you when you first had a..



When he first approached me, that happened as something.. as we.. um.. He didn’t really say what I was gonna play. He just told me to just.. stay skinny. Cause I was skinny.. Well, I’m skinny right now but.. Back then I was more skinnier. Stay skinny. You’re gonna.. soon I will give you some ideas and roles and whatever.



Actually we worked together in my previous film called Okja. He was a crazy truck driver in the movie.



Choi, you spent much of your childhood here in Canada. Is that correct?



Yeah, I grew up in Vancouver. But this is my first time in Toronto, so.. It’s really great to be here.



That’s terrific.



[Part 2]


They’re pretty old, huh. It wouldn’t be so strange if they just died. You’d better get home. Godspeed.



Nah, you don’t have to worry about ‘em. They’re just taking a nap. No worries.



Do what you feel is best for you. We’re professionals.



[Part 3]


Congratulations, guys. Wow, what a moment it’s gotta be for all of you. How are you all feeling right now?



It’s very unreal, just to be in front of those people there. But we just won award and made a new history. Last year was Korean cinema’s 100th year anniversary. Today we just made a new history, it’s unreal.



So how do you all plan on celebrating tonight?



We’re gonna get drunk tonight. A lot.



A lot of drinking, I love it, I love it.



[Part 4]


Hi, how are you Toronto? Thank you for having us here tonight. I actually grew up in Vancouver, but I never had a chance to come here. It feels very.. I feel very welcomed. Thank you. I hope you guys enjoy our movie. Let’s have a great night! Thank you.



He gives us very soft but.. very clear directions. And sometimes he often shows us how it’s done.



They always improvise. Improvise so many things.



Yeah, it was really fun.



[Part 5]


How does it feel to work with two very experienced people in the film industry?



At first I had a lot of pressure on my shoulder, cause.. It was my second time working with director Bong. Song KangHo as my father. Director Bong and.. I had to play Kiwoo who had a lot of crucial… 역할? role(s) in the movie. But they made it so relaxing and comfortable for me to act. So it was a very fun experience for me.



Just to end it off, what is your experience in Toronto, and specifically TIFF, like so far?

It’s been really great for us, because we had a lot of good feedbacks. But we’ve had a lot of interviews. But it was a really good experience for us.



[Part 6]


Yeah I mean.. Other than us, there are so many legends out there in foreign countries. I really, truly hope that after this moment, maybe next year, a year after.. A lot more foreign casts..


Sharon Choi:

I hope we can see more foreign language films and Asian films.



Last year was Korean cinema’s 100th year anniversary. And it was a year where we got Palme d’Or. And that was history that we made. Today we just made a new history that.. After 21 years old.. 20 years after, life is beautiful. We foreign cast got this big award. So I think as we speak right now, we are making new history. Thank you.


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