셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

16. 최악의 데이트 경험 (빌리 아일리시, 두아 리파, 카밀라 카베요, 도브 카메론)

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 12. 12. 17:06


[빌리 아일리시]


I went on a date once. And it was when I was, uh.. 13. And it was at.. the movies, and then..



What movie?



Um.. I have no idea. And it was the day before Valentine’s day. And then he kissed me and then he said, “That was not as magical as I thought it was gonna be.” Then his baby, his, uh.. He was super rich, and his butler, literally his butler. His butler was there the entire time but in a different movie theater. And he took him and he left. And I was stuck there. No one told me that they were gonna leave



At some date?



It was the day before Valentine’s Day. And then a baby came up to me. And then the baby looked at me and I was like.. Oh my god, a baby, and it’s smiling at me. And I smiled and.. It started screaming and crying and ran away.



What a date.



The next day was Valentine’s Day. That was one date I had.



Oh my god, it’s unbelievable..



Dude is hella ugly now.



[두아 리파]

Dua Lipa:

I went on this date once. He took me to a party. When I went out into the smoking area with this boy. And he starts kissing another girl. Really. And the smoking area is tiny, by the way. And it’s just me, him and this other girl. And I just watch him kiss this other girl. I just felt like, Is.. Is this happening? And I’m just like, “OK, brilliant. So I’m gonna get my jacket then.” So I just go get my jacket and leave. And I’m like.. “Well. Successful first date.” That was that.



But you know right now, he’s absolutely kicking himself, isn’t he? Come on, look at what you missed.


Dua Lipa:

Look at what you missed.



[카밀라 카베요]


What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?



The worst date I’ve ever been on.. This boy.. I like scary movies more now. But I was like 16 or something. And this boy took me to see Ouija Board. You know that movie?






So he took me to this movie theater to see Ouija Board. Cause I guess, you know, boys have the thing. He didn’t tell me what movie we were gonna see. Oh, we’re gonna go to the movie theater, so cute. And then we get there and it’s Ouija Board. And I was like.. It was this movie theater where there’s like two seats at a time. And then you can lean back and give you a blanket. And I thought.. I feel like he thought that I was gonna cuddle up against him. I was literally so terrified That I took the blanket and just covered myself. The entire time. I was so mad. I was like.. I literally don’t like scary movies. Cause at the time, I’d probably have had nightmares. So it was not cute.



Yeah, he failed.



I didn’t kiss him during that movie.



[도브 카메론]


Describe in detail the worst date you’ve ever been on. Oh god.Okay, so like, I didn’t date. I was really shy. And growing up, I was really nerdy. Okay actually I did go out with this guy one time. We went out to go get crepes or something. And on the receipt, the waitress had written, your girl is like sunshine. And drew a little sunshine. And he looked at it and was like, Huh.. And I was like, what’s wrong? Cause I hadn’t seen it yet. Did she like really upcharge us? And he was like, ‘look.’ And I looked at it and I saw it. ‘What a sweet thing.’ And I took a picture of it. And he was like.. “I just don’t know why nobody thinks I’m the sunshine.” And I was like “What?” And it was like the craziest…


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