셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

19. 가십걸 세레나 역 "블레이크 라이블리" 가슴 아픈 연설

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 12. 13. 00:28


So I’m here today because I’m a mama, and I have two baby girls. Well, they’re not babies but I think they are. James and Inez. And they are my world. And I would do anything to protect them. I’d literally die for them without a moment’s thought. For those of you who have children, I think you would know what I’m talking about. And if you think of what you’d do for your child, I don’t think there’s anything you wouldn’t ask of yourselves. So it got me thinking, ‘What is the value of a single child’s life. And what is the value of a child who isn’t our own. When it’s her little life worth, or his little life worth.’ 


Sexual exploitation of children is something that isn’t happening rarely. It’s not happening worlds away. It’s happening right here and right now. To show you guys that, while I’m talking there’s a map right here. So every time a dot shows up, that is someone that’s trading or viewing child pornography. Right now, as we speak. So that’s how prevalent this is.


I didn’t really know what child pornography was. We all sort of have an idea of it. And I was afraid to ask. As a mother, it’d be very painful to hear. I felt like I had to ask though. I feel like I have to share it with you guys now. It is disturbing and I wanna warn you. I feel it’s my responsibility to tell you guys because it is the truth. And I believe if we all knew this, we would dedicate much more of ourselves to stopping it.


So when I asked what child pornography entailed.. Yes, it’s nude images of boys and girls under the age of 18. But now because of high-speed internet, it’s also videos very prominently. Videos of kids. And by kids, I mean prepubescent. Visibly prepubescent. And they make the distinction because of the internet and there’s so much content, these pedophiles are desensitized. Because of that, the kids are getting younger, and the content is getting that much more devastating.


So when this law enforcement officer told me this, I asked him how young are the kids he’s seeing. And he told me infants. And I have a six-month old baby. So I said ‘What does that mean? What does an infant mean?’ And he said with the umbilical cord still attached. I know it’s so devastating to hear this. And I’m really sorry to share this. But I’m grateful that you guys are listening because this is actually happening. And it’s important that we know this. And that it resonates with us. So that we think about this in our days and in our personal life.


So I ask them what happens in these videos. Unspeakable things happen. But again, I’m going to speak about them. Because I feel like if these kids are experiencing this, the least that they deserve is for us to hear whatever is actually happening to them.


So, no. It’s not just touching. There is penetration. There is extreme torture and bondage. There’s bestiality which is having an animal penetrate the child or infant. There is incest. I mean they said you think of it, anything you can think of it’s out there and it’s being traded. And it’s 30 to 50 million files a day being traded that we know of. I mean you can see what’s happening right now. And this is happening to any child and every child. 90% of children know their abusers. Our children are at risk. You may know this person. It may be a doctor, it may be a coach. I thought that people that were working with children were people that wanted to protect them. But oftentimes these people who have this propensity for wanting to lure children and they find out a profession that gives them access to children and lots of them. Ideal victims are young children because they can’t speak up. They don’t make great witnesses, if they do, only 10% of children actually do speak up once they’ve been abused.


So what’s incredible about the child rescue coalition is that they are proactive. They don’t wait for these children to speak up. They can identify these pedophiles. They can see the IP address that’s trading this child pornography. There’s no privacy issues. There’s no big brothering. They see the IP address of who’s trading these files. And they give that to law enforcement. And the trading of these files is a felony. So law enforcement can knock on that person’s door and see if that person has access to a child. Because the average abuser abuses between 50 and 100 children in their lifetime. Per person, per abuser. And the average person that views child pornography between 55~90% of people viewing it are actually hands-on abusers or will become abusers. You think that sounds like a lot, 50 to 100. Maybe that’s unrealistic. But the kids aged out of the age that they stay silent. Or they age out of the sexual preference of the predator.


And I was told the story of an oncologist, a pediatric oncologist who is raping his children with cancer by the hundreds. And there was a nurse who was working with children with mental and physical disabilities. And when he was caught, they asked him how many children he abused. And he looked outside the window at the snow and said how many snowflakes are there outside.


So this is so prevalent. And I want you guys to know this. And I want it to resonate with you. I want you to see that the child rescue coalition in just three years has found 9,000 predators so far. They have saved 2,000 children. Yes, they need donations. That’s great. Because then they can continue to make this tool free for law enforcement. But they also really need introduction. So it’s why I’ve been talking for way too long. And I’m very aware of that and I’m sorry. But you guys are all very important and well-connected people.


So this is my time to tell you, they need introductions. They need introductions to big companies. For example, let’s say, because they have the IP address of all these predators, they could give the IP address over to ‘Care.com’ or ‘Uber.’ And if that person is filing for an application to work at this company to become a nanny or a driver, they’re immediately rejected because they’ve traded child pornography. Or if Comcast wants to receive their list of IP addresses or any big internet service provider, they can block that content from being shared. Because they know what those files are. There’s no privacy issues. They just block that illegal content. So why the hell are we not doing this? It makes no sense. We have to make these introductions. We have to help these kids. It doesn’t infringe on anything legally.


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