분류 전체보기 76

40. 10년 전에 미래를 예측했던 박진영? (영어 인터뷰)

10년 전에 음악 산업에 일어날 변화를 미리 예측했던 박진영. 세계적인 음악 컨퍼런스 미뎀에서 진행된 그의 인터뷰를 들어봅니다. Interviewer: Back in 2001, you said this to your staff. You said, we don’t make music. We make stars. Well, why did you say that? What were you driving out there? JYP: Uh, I mean.. I have to confess that it wasn’t because I was smart. It was because I was forced to. 80% of Korean computers were high speed cable connected. So..

39. 관객석 빵 터진 윤여정의 센스있는 영어 인터뷰

윤여정님의 센스있는 영어 인터뷰에 빵빵 터지는 관객석! 지금 바로 감상해 보시죠 :)**문법적으로 완전하지 않은 문장이 많이 나오기 때문에, 참고용으로 봐주시면 감사하겠습니다. [Intro]Yoon:That’s so serious. I’m not that serious. I’m in this business, such a, such a long time in Korea. But we.. I didn’t wanna do it. Because I knew this was going to be an independent movie. That means, I’m going to suffer with all the things. [Part 1]Yoon:Wow, what a pleasant surprise. I w..

38. CL의 자신감 넘치는 영어 인터뷰

영어 인터뷰에서 미국 활동에 대한 자신감을 표현한 CL! 다 같이 감상해볼까요? [Intro] J. Corden: Our next guest was the first ever K-pop artist to perform on the Late Late show. CL: My name is CL. I come from Korea. I’m a performer, artist, musician. J. Corden: The singular, the dazzling, CL is here on the show tonight! CL: James, what’s up! [Part 1] I went to an international school, like, my whole life, in France, in Japan, a..

37. 레오나르도 디카프리오 기후 변화 UN 연설 (2014년도)

2014년 UN 기후 정상 회의에서 진행된 레오나르도 디카프리오의 연설입니다. MC: Please welcome newly appointed United Nations Messenger of Peace, Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio. DiCaprio: Thank you, Mr. Secretary-General, your excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, and distinguished guests. I’m honored to be here today. I stand before you not as an expert but as a concerned citizen, one of the 400,000 people who marched in the streets of ..

36. 강경화 장관 CNN 인터뷰 하이라이트, 최근 시국에 대한 생각

2020년 12월 17일 CNN에서 진행된 강경화 외교부 장관의 인터뷰 하이라이트입니다. 최근 한국의 시국, 여성 외교부 장관으로서의 책임에 대해 얘기합니다. Interviewer: Foreign Minister Kyung-wha Kang, welcome to the program. Kang: Thank you for having me back on your program, Christiane. Interviewer: You know, when we last spoke, it was a very, very different world. And now, today, December 2020, you and South Korea are facing a third wave, maybe even a fourth..

35. 제시카가 직접 밝히는 책 '샤인' 발간 이유 (영어 인터뷰)

So the reason why I decided to write this book was because I was in this industry for 10+ years. It was my thirteenth anniversary this year. I started at a very young age, and I had a lot of chance to travel around the world. And I always thought that I had a story to tell. I thought my life was very unique, and I had a lot of, you know, a lot of drama, a lot of competition, boys, everything tha..

34. 제시가 인스타에서 방탄(BTS) 언급한 이유

I’ve met them too when I was doing the show when we did a.. SK Telecom. They’re.. They’re great.. They’re a great team. That’s what I just know about them. I don’t know.. I don’t really personally know them. But, they’re really um.. They’re really really nice. But who knows now? I’m just kidding. Everyone loves BTS. What does BTS stand for? Like, I know it’s behind the scenes, but what does.. BT..

33. 전세계 명품 브랜드 접수한 블랙핑크의 영어 인터뷰

[Part 1] Jennie: Growing up, Chanel was my dream, like a fantasy. And to be a part of it, it just means a lot. I enjoy every part of it. I’m excited to make more exciting things with Chanel. Interviewer: So tell me what was your first big fashion purchase when things started getting serious. Jennie: My very.. It was a vintage Chanel backpack actually. I asked my mom. “Mom, do I let myself buy th..

32. 영어로 듣는 김연아의 레전드 기록들

Hello, my name is Kim. Yuna Kim. Special agent, licensed to thrill, especially on ice. Well, really, as you probably guessed, I’m a figure skater who represented the Republic of Korea from 2005 to 2014 and won gold at the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games in 2010. I was born on September 5th, 1990 in Bucheon South Korea. I started skating along with my older sister when I was 5. At the age of 11, I..

31. 있지(ITZY) 리아 류진 영어 인터뷰 모음

[Intro] Lia: You guys excited? Yes! [Part 1] Lia: Something you wouldn’t know about me is that I’m not really friendly with vegetables. Ryujin: Yes. Especially green ones. Lia: I’m not very friendly with green vegetables. But it has been worse when I was younger. But now I can actually eat salads. I became a little more closer with green vegetables. But not that close. The worst green vegetable ..