셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

23. 나혼자산다 때와는 180도 다른 헨리 영어 인터뷰 모음

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 12. 13. 01:26




Ladies and gentlemen. I have a hidden talent, which is… well, it’s not talent. I was just born this way. But my nose.. Nostrils.. I have two hearts as nostrils.



Oh, yeah. You can see the hearts.



[Part 1]


Hey, everybody. What’s going on? It’s Henry Lau here.


The first celebrity you met.. About eight, nine years ago, I was basically just starting my career. I got into this building. I got into the elevator. And then I was just going up. The next thing I know somebody walks in, and it ended up being Pierce Brosnan. I’m like.. Woah.. That’s 007. And then I was trying to keep my cool and everything. He said hi to me. And I was trying to be cool and everything. I was like, “Hey.” But I was freaking out inside. But yeah, that was a pretty crazy experience.



[Part 2]


Henry, yeah. So good to meet you. Wow, so, first of all, I’m gonna say, happy 11 years, right? It’s been 11 years since you first debuted, right?



Yes, yes. It’s been 11 years. 



Yeah, amazing.



Yeah, it’s hard to believe.



So how does it feel?



It feels amazing. I feel kinda old. But I.. I feel really excited. I mean, ‘A Dog’s Journey’ is coming out. It’s my first.. Hollywood debut. So I’m really excited. I know there are a lot of fans waiting.



Yeah, I was gonna say so. How does it feel to go from, you know, doing.. Of course, you’re still doing music, but from being a K-pop idol to now making your first Hollywood debut. You’re in an amazing movie. How are you soaking it in?



It actually.. I still can’t kinda believe that it’s actually happening. I was, you know, we were driving down the street. And we just see all these posters of ‘A Dog’s Journey.’ But it’s amazing to be just part of this.. such an amazing project. Because this movie really touches on a lot of really powerful themes, of love, forgiveness… It just makes people feel really hopeful at the end of the movie. So, yeah. I’m really excited.



So, you love dogs, right?



Yes, I do.



And you’re also.. I mean like you’re multitalented. What can’t you do? You sing, You rap, you play violin. Yeah, of course, I’m gonna.. Yeah, please. So, if I were to ask you to do an impromptu rap about how much you love dogs..



Impromptu rap.. I think I’ll pass on that. I’ll pass on that, yeah.



No problem. So, I guess, in the end, what do you want people to take away from this movie?



I’m just so happy that this movie will just bring people hope. It’ll just make them feel very hopeful. And hope everyone enjoys the movie.



[Part 3]


Henry, the evaluation coming straight from the staff was.. Sam, have you seen him? He’s beautiful. Multi-talent singer, composer, fashion star, and actor, about to make a big US film debut in ‘A Dog’s Journey.’ Henry Lau’s here. Nice to see you.



Nice to see you. It’s really nice to be here. I heard the whole LA is watching this.



That’s the truth!



It’s crazy. Hey, hey LA!



You were in one of these K-pop groups that was so popular.



Yes, just at the start of it. We never imagined it would be this big.



So when you hear about BTS doing two nights’ at the Rose Bowl and people just going nuts, what do you think of that?



I mean it’s crazy that we get so much support from all over the world. We never imagined that it would get this big, but.. Thank you everybody that’s shown support. Love you guys.


Yeah, so ‘A Dog’s Journey’ it will be coming out May 17th. It’s a film that talks about basically love in every sense, love for your pets. love for family, love for your loved ones. It’s just.. it’s an uplifting film that I think we need these days.



Just looking at this footage, did you..



That’s me. 



There you are.



Yeah, that’s me.



Did you fall in love with the dogs on the set?



It was.. The hardest thing about working on this set was just resisting the dogs while we were filming. ‘Cause they were just so cute. Like, we were acting and then.. “Oh, he’s so cute. Let me just pat him for a second.” Yeah, it was an amazing experience. I think we put together one heck of a movie.



It was the first time you’ve seen that? What was it like to watch it?



I mean, it’s actually crazy because.. I know there aren’t many opportunities for asians to be on the big screen here in Hollywood. And I just think it’s a right step in the right direction. Especially.. cause we need more diversity in Hollywood. So I’m really proud. I’ll try my best to be the best that I can.



Is it okay to have it in an Asian language? Should it be in English?



I think music these days is universal. So I think, um.. I’m not sure which language it’s gonna be in yet, but.. Hope everyone loves it.



Alright. A Dog’s Journey hits theaters on May 17th. Henry, they’re right. You’re beautiful.



Thank you, thank you very much.



[Part 4]

Henry Lau is so hot when his whole body is soaked. Um.. when have you seen my body soaked?


Help. I’ve fallen in love with Henry Lau. W.T.F.. But, why… why WTF?

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