셀럽잉글리시/유튜브 영상 스크립트

24. 루푸스병을 이겨낸 "셀레나 고메즈" 감동 연설

셀럽잉글리시 CelebEnglish 2020. 12. 13. 01:42



To be honest, I think Francia should be getting this award because she saved my life. Sorry.



[Part 1]

After undergoing so many tests to monitor my kidneys, my doctors told me I had lupus nephritis, one of the most common complications of lupus. They said that I would be needing a kidney transplant. Maybe I wasn’t necessarily really good at knowing what that meant. So it actually got to a point where it was life or death. Thankfully, one of my best friends gave me her kidney, and it was the ultimate gift of life. And I’m doing very well now, thankfully. Thank you.


Not everyone is lucky enough to have a donor, and something as monumental as an organ transplant shouldn’t be the best treatment option available. I’m supporting the Lupus Research Alliance because they’re getting results and that’s what give people hope. The Lupus Research Alliance works with the top researchers, who are finding new and safer ways to treat and maybe even prevent damage to the kidneys and other organs. The scientists they found are looking at what causes lupus, so maybe someday it can be cured. I’d like to see the day when all young women can realize their dreams of life without a lupus. This is why I’m committed to the Lupus Research Alliance so that none of us are alone, especially the young women that I have grown up with and heard many many stories.


Just wanna say thank you. And I hope that we can do something for all of the younger people, who need to know what this means. So, thank you.



[Part 2]

An extremely positive thing and change in the music industry that I have seen has been the women. I think the women have really defined their voices. And I feel most comfortable because I see all the women I look up to. Feeling comfortable enough to talk about the struggles or things they have gone through. I think one of the experiences that I have had myself. I’ve experienced a lot with my health. And being able to talk about that confidently. And hopefully experiencing that with other girls. That’s kind of what I feel like, even if it’s not comfortable talking about a lot of stuff, I feel very.. I don’t know. I feel like I can really make a positive impact by sharing my story.



[Part 3]

I hope it’s okay that I take this opportunity to really just spend with you guys, and tell you a little bit about my story. I’m not an activist. I haven’t changed the world or led a campaign. I’m here to just tell you my path, so that you hopefully can take something away from it.


My mom had me when she was sixteen. And I’m from Grand Prairie, Texas. And she worked four jobs and completely dedicated her life into making mine better. So to me, she is the definition of a strong woman. And I love her so much, because she’s taught me those values so much. Thank you.


I have been acting my entire life, and I have (been) known since I was first on Barney. You know that purple dinosaur. He’s great. You guys are so motivating. I feel like I can say anything. When I was eleven, the point being is, when I was seven, I wanted to be an actress. And I wanted to live my dream. And when I was eleven, I had a casting director tell me that I wasn’t strong enough to carry my own show.


And I’m sure all of you have been told that you don’t have what it takes. And that you may not be good enough. You don’t have enough people supporting you. And you’re being told all of these things, when deep down it’s all you wanna do.


You wanna be a part of something great. You wanna make something great. And it does more than knock the wind out of you. It crushes you when people try to tell you that you’re not good enough. And it almost did for me, but there was my mom next to me stronger than ever. And she said the most important thing is to always trust in myself.


If I have, if I’m doing something because I love it, I should do it because I love it, and I believe I can do it. So she told me to keep going. Thank you. She told me and she taught me to turn the other cheek and let the credits.. And let the critics be critics. And let us just trust ourselves. So for me.. thank you.


Two years later, I got my own show. And the first thought wasn’t  ‘Oh man, that girl when I was eleven said I wouldn’t carry my own show.’ And I did. I mean I thought about that for a little bit, but I thought about what my mom said. My mom was like, you have to trust yourself. And I realized if I didn’t believe that I could do it, I wouldn’t be able to be here.


And I have.. I’m gonna say.. I live a very blessed life. I have so much to be thankful for. And a lot of you are a big part of inspiring me. Because I don’t think you get it and maybe you’re not told enough. But you inspire me to be better. And we should inspire each other to be better.


I’m surrounded by people who are supposed to guide me. And some of them have and others haven’t. They pressure me. There’s so much pressure. You gotta be sexy. You gotta be cute. You gotta be nice. You gotta be all these things. And I’m sure you can all relate. You all have pressure that you have to deal with every day. I’m sure with school, with work, with friends, with parents, with family. With parents, I know. Sometimes with mine.


They tell me what to wear, how to look, what I should say, how I should be. Until recently, I had given in to that pressure. I lost sight of who I was. I listened to opinions of people, and I tried to change who I am. Because I thought the others would accept me for it. And I realized I don’t know how to be anything but myself.


And all I really want you to know is that you are changing the world. I’m not changing the world. You are changing the world. And that’s amazing. Please, please just be kind to each other. And love and inspire people.. Because, let’s do it, let’s do it. Let’s change the game. Let’s change the game!


The most important thing is that we learn, and we continue to learn from each other. Please stay true to yourself. Please just remain who you are. And know that we have each others’ back. All of us have each others’ back.


I’d be lying if I said that I’ve never tried to make myself better by giving in. Because I have. But I learned from my actions, and for all the things I have done, I’m proudest of that. I’ve learned from my mistakes. I want you to know what it’s like, that I know what it’s like. Figuring out what types of friends you have. You are who you surround yourself with.


So I just wanna say, I hope I can inspire each and every one of you to just trust yourself. And to love, and to be loved. And thank you for allowing me to come up and ramble and talk to you guys. Cause this is such a beautiful thing you’re doing. Be proud of yourselves. This is great.


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인스타그램 👉🏻 @celeb__english

문의 👉🏻 jjinenglish7@gmail.com